big-data-for-humans / azure-automation-tools

Set of tools for Azure Automation
MIT License
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Table of Contents

Package Management

Package Management helps you create packages of automation resources and deploy them

A package consists of related

Note: support for certificates & connections will be added soon.


From the Powershell Gallery

    Install-Module -Name AzureAutomationTools.PackageManagement


Windows Powershell 5.1 (only tested with 5.1.14393.953)

Create a package

You can create a new package in the current folder.

    New-AatAutomationPackage -Name 'monkey'

This will create the following:


The file assets.json contains

        "Credentials": [],
        "Variables": []

Sample files

Specifying the -IncludeSamples switch will create sample files in the package

    New-AatAutomationPackage -Name 'monkey' -IncludeSamples

will additionally create


sample-assets.json will contains something similar to:

        "Credentials": [
                "Name": "ExampleCredential",
                "Username": ""
        "Variables": [
                "Name": "simple-plaintext-variable",
                "IsEncrypted": false,
                "Value": "lorem"
                "Name": "simple-encrypted-variable",
                "IsEncrypted": true,
                "Value": null
                "Name": "object-variable",
                "IsEncrypted": false,
                "Value": {
                    "ComplexProperty": {
                        "Ipsum": 1,
                        "Dolor": "monkey"
                    "SimpleProperty": "Lorem"


You can add variables to an assets file manually but to avoid errors you can do the following

    Add-AatVariableDefinition -Name 'bert' -Value 'ernie'    
        "Credentials": [],
        "Variables": [
                "Name": "bert",
                "IsEncrypted": false,
                "Value": "ernie"


Credentials must be added manually to an assets file.

        "Credentials": [],
        "Variables": []


        "Credentials": [
                "Name" :  "ExampleCredential",
                "UserName" : ""    
        "Variables": []

Test a package

You can test a package by executing:


which will give output similar to:

    Message                                           Severity
    -------                                           --------
    No module defintions found in  '.\monkey\modules' Warning
    No runbooks found in  '.\monkey\runbooks'         Warning

Publish a package

To publish all package in the current folder

    $Params = @{        
        ResourceGroupName = "rg";
        AutomationAccountName = "aa";
        DeployRunbooks = $true;
        DeployModules = $true;
        DeployVariables = $true;
        DeployCredentials = $true;
        NewCredentialsOnly = $true;

    Publish-AatAutomationPackage @Params

To publish only the monkey package

    $Params = @{        
        ResourceGroupName = "rg";
        AutomationAccountName = "aa";
        DeployRunbooks = $true;
        DeployModules = $true;
        DeployVariables = $true;
        DeployCredentials = $true;
        NewCredentialsOnly = $true;

    Publish-AatAutomationPackage @Params -PackageName 'monkey'