bigben35 / OCR_5_Blog

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Project 5 DA PHP/Symfony. This project involves creating a Blog using HTML5, CSS3, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript.

Installation :

composer :

Download and run Composer-Setup.exe.

Run composer install.

Run composer init in your terminal.

In your command terminal, type composer to verify if the dependency manager has been installed successfully.

Environment Variables:

This can be achieved using Dotenv: run composer require vlucas/phpdotenv.

Create a .env file at the project's root, using .env.example as a template to connect to your database.

Edit the .env file with the connection values for your database:

DB_HOST=your_host DB_PORT=your_port DB_USERNAME=username DB_PASSWORD=password DB_NAME=dbname


Error Handling with Whoops:

Run composer require filp/whoops.

Run composer update to update the installation with the new package.

Project Installation:

Clone the project using git clone in your IDE (e.g., VSCode).

I used XAMPP for my local server and phpMyAdmin for database management.

I used PHP 8 (Version php 8.0.12 on my side).

Import the blog-ocr-version-finale.sql into your database.

Starting the Project:

I'm using XAMPP with an Apache server. I have an .htaccess file for URL rewriting. You can run the project on your localhost: http://localhost/folder-name/home. You can also find it hosted here:

To log in as an admin, use the following credentials: email: and password: azerty, or modify the role (set to 1) in the database as needed.