bigtreetech / Eddy

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An idea - use the rapid scan idea for gantry levelling. #29

Open dangerzau opened 3 weeks ago

dangerzau commented 3 weeks ago

Had a thought.... If rapid scan can rapidly scan from left to right and send that data to the host MCU... Could the probe stay in the same x and y position and for those of us with say a gantry and dual z motors take a single reading of height from say the left side. Move to the right, then stay there in x and y and move the left z motors up or down to level the gantry to the bed accurately and rapidly. Rather than having to go back and forth, I mean sure go back and check it has aligned properly but this seems like such a simple feature I wish I had the smarts to implement it myself :)

krautech commented 3 weeks ago

It will always have to go back and forth to take a new height but here's a fast QGL macro

krautech commented 3 weeks ago
[gcode_macro QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL]
rename_existing: BASE_QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL
        BASE_QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL horizontal_move_z=2
BTTJUSTIN commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for making this suggestion. We will discuss it internally and let you know if it will be scheduled for a future firmware release