Open Zinput opened 1 month ago
I have the EXACT same challenge...
The two times I have seen this happen were both following the temp calibration step.
Given that, I just installed it yesterday, so the machine has not gone into printing rotation again. I wonder how this thing will handle heat soaks... Hmmm Only time will tell.
I wonder how many people that are seeing the "Error during homing z: Eddy current sensor error" are really experiencing this...
I ended up using a workaround by modifying my homing and start gcode to bring the probe away from the bed when it is heating up. It then scans immediately after the bed is heated. You can start the heat soak after this process and it seems to work fine now.
I have successfully set up an Eddy USB, but it has been very unreliable. I've now realized that once the temperature of the Eddy comes up to 60C, it is unable to home the printer. When I let it cool back down to 45C, it works again.