bigyihsuan / International-Phonetic-Esoteric-Language

IPEL. An esoteric programming language that uses mostly IPA.
MIT License
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International Phonetic Esoteric Language

What is this?

The International Phonetic Esoteric Language (IPEL) is a personal project of mine to create a simple, stack-based esoteric programming language from scratch to challenge myself. I also decided to base its instruction set on the International Phonetic Alphabet by the International Phonetic Association, modeling the appearance of a typical phonetic transcription, such as /hε.lɔ.wɔɹld/ for a rough approximation of "hello world".

It is meant for code golf, and is definitely not made for any sort of serious use.


Install this by cloning this repository (


Execute the IPEL code by navigating to the repository folder and running with Python 3.

$ python3 [options] (codeFile | code)


$ ./ [options] (codeFile | code)

codeFile is any file that contains IPEL code. code is a string that contains IPEL code.

[options] is one of the following:


More information can be found at the Esolangs wiki page for this language. An IPA chart containing the used IPA characters can be found in this Google Sheet.