bihealth / sodar-core

SODAR Core: A Django-based framework for building scientific data management web apps
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

SODAR Core ^^^^^^^^^^

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SODAR Core is a framework for Django web application development.

It was conceived to facilitate the creation of scientific data management and analysis web applications, but can be useful in other contexts as well. In that it is similar to the CMS or ecommerce frameworks that you can find Awesome Django List <>__ but you will find the components/libraries provided in SODAR Core are more generic and in this reflecting the broader range of applications that we target.

Examples / See It In Action

SODAR Core is a framework for developing Django web applications. The following data management and analysis web applications are based on SODAR Core and have been made available as open source:


SODAR Core can only be used from within Django projects. The easiest way to start out is following the For the Impatient <>__ section in our documentation.


The SODAR Core repository containes reusable and non-domain-specific apps making up the base of the SODAR system. These apps can be used for any Django application which wants to make use of the following features:

This repository provides the following installable Django apps:

Also included are resources and examples for developing SODAR compatible apps.


The django-sodar-core package can be installed into your Django project from PyPI as follows. Note that it is strongly recommended to freeze the dependency to a specific version, as this package is under active development and breaking changes are possible.

.. code-block:: console

pip install django-sodar-core==1.0.2

For installing a development version you can point your dependency to a specific commit ID in GitHub. Note that these versions may not be stable.

.. code-block:: console

pip install -e git+

Please note that This package installs a collection of Django apps to be used in a Django web site project. See SODAR Core documentation <>_ for detailed documentation on use, integration and development.


The branches of the SODAR Core repository are organized as follows:

main The latest stable release. dev The current development branch. Most recent features go here, but stability is not guaranteed. Pull requests should always be based on this branch.

When including SODAR Core in your Django project, it is highly recommended to freeze your dependency to a specific release tag or commit ID. The project is under development and breaking changes may be introduced frequently.