A recent CI run failed with an odd bug. A subsequent commit with changes only in the manual passed CI without issues, so this would seem like some kind of sporadic fluke. Still, should be looked into. Never seen this exact one before and nothing in these tests should have changed recently..
FAIL: test_post_contributor (samplesheets.tests.test_views_taskflow.TestIrodsAccessTicketCreateView)
Test POST as contributor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/work/sodar-server/sodar-server/samplesheets/tests/test_views_taskflow.py", line 781, in test_post_contributor
AssertionError: Lists differ: [<User: user_owner_cat>, <User: superuser>] != [<User: superuser>, <User: user_owner_cat>]
First differing element 0:
<User: user_owner_cat>
<User: superuser>
- [<User: user_owner_cat>, <User: superuser>]
+ [<User: superuser>, <User: user_owner_cat>]
Ran 1562 tests in 2090.513s
FAILED (failures=1)
A recent CI run failed with an odd bug. A subsequent commit with changes only in the manual passed CI without issues, so this would seem like some kind of sporadic fluke. Still, should be looked into. Never seen this exact one before and nothing in these tests should have changed recently..