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SODAR (System for Omics Data Access and Retrieval) is a specialized system for managing data in omics research projects. SODAR provides biomedical scientists with a single point of access to data in their projects, along with linking out to external resources and systems.
The main features of SODAR:
See the
SODAR Overview video on YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ8foUpjnqs>
for an introduction to the system and its features.
For instructions on using and administering the system, see the
SODAR manual <https://sodar-server.readthedocs.io/>
For trying out the system or deploying it in production, see the
SODAR Docker Compose <https://github.com/bihealth/sodar-docker-compose>
SODAR provides a web-based GUI and REST APIs running on the
Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>
_ web server.
Studies are modeled with the ISA Model <https://isa-tools.org>
For file storage SODAR uses the iRODS <https://irods.org/>
open source data
management software.
Django apps provided by SODAR:
The project is built on the SODAR Core <https://github.com/bihealth/sodar-core>
framework, which provides the base functionalities for project management, user
interfaces and dynamic app content inclusion.
Note: The project and documentation may refer to practices, services or data specific to research work at Berlin Institute of Health, Core Unit Bioinformatics. You may need to adapt them if you wish to deploy your own SODAR instance.