- https://wbd-fsd-project3.herokuapp.com/
- https://github.com/billdavisjr/wbd_fsd_project3.git
- https://git.heroku.com/wbd-fsd-project3.git
Bill Davis
For several decades now I have used a quotations database I created to learn how to program on a variety of systems, from OpenVMS DCL command line on VAX and Alpha minicomputers, to Visual Basic 6 and VB.NET / Visual Studio IDEs to create desktop apps on Windows, to Java desktop apps (.jar) on Windows and Mac (including a stand-alone desktop app on the Mac) and then on to JavaServer Pages using Eclipse. This allows me to learn how to use the basic CRUD concepts on a particular platform. Over the years I have collected thousands of quotes to use as well.
So of course, I wanted to do the same thing when taking this course on modern full-stack web development from Code Institute.
I realized quickly that the Task Manager mini-project that is developed as you go through the Data Centric Development module of the FSD course would be a perfect fit for my Quotations project, so I actually started developing it in parallel as the course went through the mini-project, adapting and modifying it for my needs. For example, I added a search feature and some sorting of the databases (quotations sorted by person's name, categories sorted by category name) as well as data items such as "favorite" (instead of urgent), source of the quote, star rating (1-5), and date said.
I'll be continuing to develop (a copy of) this project after I have finished the Code Institute Course for personal use and perhaps as a side business/hobby. I've actually purchased the domain name quotations.space and quotation.space (singular) for use with this site.
Right now this web site is for my personal/family use in collecting quotations that I enjoy. In the future I would like this site to be \available for the use of anyone in the world to locate, contribute and save their own quotes or quotes from a large database of existing quotes.
User stores are statements of the form "As a user type, I want to perform an action, so I can achieve a goal.
As a collector of quotes, I want to store my quotes in a database, so I can access them anywhere.
As a fan of quotes, I want to be able to search for a quote using a few words, so I can find it and use it.
As a write, I need to be able to search for quotes by category or keyword, so I can start a chapter or section with an appropriate quote.
As someone who is putting together a presentation, I need to be able to search for a relevant quote, so that I can put it in my presentation.
Mockups/wireframes of the design for the main page and the add and edit quotations pages are in the source code repository in the /design/mockups folder.
The categories page and add/edit categories pages are the same as the quotes and add/edit quotes page, just simpler and missing the search field which was unnecessary.
The site is designed to present the quotes in the form of "cards". I wanted it to look like quotes you see hanging on a wall. There is an unobtrusive button at bottom left of the card (the popular 3-line "hamburger" icon) that lets you expand the card and show more information about the quote such as the category, source of the quote (if known), date the quote was said (if known), star raging (0-5 with half-stars allowed) and "favorite" status. This favorite status is also shown at bottom right of the unexpanded quote if the quote has been set as a favorite.
Clicking the icon also reveals the edit (pencil) and delete (trash can) icons for that particular quote so you can edit or delete that quote; I do need to add a confirmation to that delete. I will be implementing that through Materialize Modals in some future version (not the one I submitted to Code Institute.)
A floating mobile menu button hovers in the bottom right corner of the page as it does in many modern mobile apps from Google and other sites. Clicking it expands a menu of functions you can select to add new quotes or categories, display the list of quotes or categories, etc. This floating menu button is available on ALL pages.
To add or edit the quotes or view a list of categories, you're taken to a separate page with fields you can fill out.
There is also an "About this site" button on the floating menu.
The desktop and mobile sites look the same and is intentionally as minimal as possible. I don't want the interface to distract from the quotes.
Since the site is called "Quotations.Space!", I found a "Star Trek" like animated GIF of stars streaming past and used that behind the header. I have also registered quotations.space and quotations.space as domain names and will be pointing them at a future version of this site when it is ready for the public.
NOTE: This project started from the Code Institute student template for Gitpod which preinstalls most of the tools needed for basic development. It does not seem to be required to stand up this site from the Git repo in GitPod or Heroku, though you do need to install a few Python frameworks with the pip3 command in GitPod. The site is configured to have Heroku install those dependencies through the requirements.txt file, automatically.
Python 3
A GitHub free (or paid) account
A Heroku free account (or paid, some other hosting environment, if you want -- you're on your own there, though)
MongoDB free (or paid) account
Python Frameworks
Materialize CSS Framework (don't need to install this)
jQuery JavaScript framework (don't need to install this)
As of this writing, the requirements.txt file lists the following Python frameworks and versions. Some are additional frameworks used by the ones listed above:
NOTE: These are not necessarily the latest versions of these frameworks.
Create a free MongoDB Atlas account and set up a database
Set a database and the following collections:
Database: quotations_space
_id (autogenerated)
category_name String
quotation_text String
person String
source String
date_said String
stars_rating String
is_favorite String
_id (autogenerated)
category_name String
Set up a text search so you can search multiple fields for a keyword with one search command. This is used by the search field on the quotes.html page. See https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/index-text/
This project is set up a text index on quotation_text, person, and source fields.
The running site provided:
is set up using a database with that text index described above for the search field.
You can also set up a text index to just search ALL text (string) fields in the collection; see the web page linked above.
Add a few quotes in manually to these collections and give the quotes a category from the categories collection.
If you want to use the MondoDB test database I used to develop and test this site, contact me and I'll send you the connection string.
Set up a GitPod free account
Set up the needed environment variables in GitPod or your IDE
See https://www.gitpod.io/docs/environment-variables/ for info on how to do that
IP =
PORT = 5001
QS_MONGO_URI = (the address for your Mongo database created earlier
Use the Chrome web browser with GitPod. Install the GitPod GitHub button Extensions so you can create a new GitPod workspace from your clone of my repo.
Set up a Heroku account.
Create a Heroku project you'll clone my repo into.
Clone or copy the Quotations.Space! project into your GitPod project.
install the following frameworks from the GitPod command line:
Create the Heroku Requirements pip3 freeze > requirements.txt file if needed at the root directory of the project (should already be present in the repo, but this is how to update it if you have any problems deploying the site to Heroku)
Create the Heroku Procfile if needed at the root directory of the project on GitPod (should not be needed)
Set up same environment variables in Heroku (or your own environment if not) if you using Heroku for hosting
Heroku setup in GitPod
Link the Heroku Git repo to your GitPod workspace so you can push
Build the Heroku app (must be logged in to heroku)
These IP addresses are set up in the Heroku web app for a particular app under Settings in the "Config Vars" section. I think the system provides / set the IP and PORT variables anyway.
To run a local copy of the site on GitPod, type:
$ python3 app.py
A blue button should appear to click: Make Public,
Another blue button should appear to click: Open Browser (or Open Preview if you want to use the preview window in GitPod)
NOTE: In Gitpod you have superuser security privileges by default. Therefore you do not need to use the sudo
(superuser do) command in
the bash terminal.
To STOP the web server running the site, press Ctrl+C in the window where you ran $python3 app.py
command and the server will stop and return you to the command prompt.
Once the app has been deployed to Heroku you can use Heroku itself to start/stop the app.
You can also start (or restart/deploy the app after changing the code) by associating the Heroku git repository with the local git repo as a remote:
Then after changing some code do a:
and a
to push to the heroku remote Git repo too. This also rebuilds and redeploys the app on Heroku.
NOTE: I do not have access to Android or Windows or Linux equipment to test on at this time.
I cannot test on Windows at work because Heroku is blocked and we are not allowed
to install software on our machines.
NOTE: Problems should be logged in in the Issues tab on the GitHub repo.
. (they were when I was created this site,
but are not part of the Git repo and so were not transferred when I cloned this site to a new repo for submission to
Add new quotes, test all the fields, and field validations
Add stars with values from 0 to 5 as well as fractions such as
Most of the database fields are plain text so little validation is needed, and leaving them blank is ok in most cases, though you are unlikely to do so except perhaps for the Date Said and Source of the quote; you often won't know either.
Have at least one other person try the site, and get feedback/bug REPOSITORIES
The GitPod IDE has linters/validators for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python etc. I installed one for Jinja from the Extensions icon in the lefthand sidebar in GitPod.
Because this code uses Flask and Jinja templates, many of the HTML templates are fragments of HTML and so don't entirely validate (usually it's only just the first line) and have tagged {% %} code lines. For those you simply have to keep an eye on the "Problems" tab in the GitPod IDE and see if anything shows up beyond a few errors you'll always get on the template HTML files, which are:
Doctype must be declared first
The id value [is_favorite] must be unique
The GitPod IDE will mark files with code validation problems with a tiny badge on the document icon in the file explorer and also in the tab at the top of the editor when the file is being edited.
Also keep an eye on the last tag in the template HTML files as it will often be flagged as a problem if you have unbalanced open/close tags somewhere.
The validator for Python flags long lines, as well, and this is a good indication to clarify long, complicated lines into several simpler, cleaner, clearer lines. The example mini-project "Task Manager" frankly had a number of those. Indenting helped makes them clearer, but refactoring into separate lines with a single clear purpose also made for better, less complicated code.
I have many future plans for this project. Note that I have cloned a copy of the GitHub repo I submitted for grading, and am continuing development on that copy.
Ideas include:
Adding a "sort by" control by the search field
Adding a "filter by" control by the search field Allow sorting or filtering by name, favorites status, stars rating, category, etc.
Add a confirmation dialog before deleting a record.
Add a quote of the day based on:
Allow setting favorite status by just clicking the favorites icon on the quote;
Display the stars icons next to the favorites icon (or perhaps one on the left side and one on the right side) and allow the user to set the number of stars by clicking. Allow half-stars, too, possibly
Add additional control beyond edit and delete, such as:
Allow pagination of the database so that thousands of quotes are allowed
Also have much more condensed, tabular/spreadsheet style view of the data
Allow import and export of data in CSV or XML format.
Allow setting up a user account so people can have their own quotes database or add quotes from our database to theirs.
Additional database items:
A separate persons
table with additional fields
I also want to add some links to a photo and bio information for the people:
This data will be accessed using the 'persons' field in the quotations collection the same way we do 'categories' now. It can be useful for sorting, displaying quotes on someone's birthday, searching, etc.
Additional fields for the quotations
This project started from the Code Institute student template for Gitpod which preinstalls most of the tools needed for basic development.
It also was adapted from the Task Manager mini-project created in the course, modified heavily to change the GUI and add additional functions such as searching.
The CSS framework used for the site is MaterializeCSS
Third-party Python frameworks used are:
and the frameworks they in turn might use; see the requirements.txt file (or view it with $pip3 freeze
Third party JavaScript frameworks
Development Tools
GitPod integrated development environment https://www.gitpod.io/
GitHub code repository https://www.github.com/
Heroku web app hosting https://www.heroku.com/
Python language https://www.python.org/
Mongo Database https://www.mongodb.com/
The animated starfield behind the page header is from WikiMedia Commons