bin456789 / reinstall

一键DD/重装脚本 (One-click reinstall OS on VPS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.26k stars 224 forks source link

dd到 windows10 报错 #28

Closed MalikWilliams1greher closed 6 months ago

MalikWilliams1greher commented 8 months ago

我先从Windows dd到 alpine正常

在从alpine dd到 win10 iso 报错如下


怕你看不清,最高清就是这样了,手机屏幕小 ,因为是手机屏蔽,我ocr了,不一定准确

Dounload Results:

gid lstatlavg speed Ipath-URI


5009e1lOk 197KiB/sl//osrdr ivers/ Jin.iso

Status Legend:

COK〕 :dounload completed

mount: Pos/dr iversruirtio: WARNING: source ur ite-protected, nounted read-only.

Ok:47 MiB in 117 packages 11/mainrwindows.xml 11/04 13:57:43 [NOTICE1 Doun load ing 1 item (s)

[#7c4205 6.7KiB/OB CN:1 DL :18K iB

11/04 13:57:44 [NOTICEJ Dounload complete://tmp/futounattend.xml

Dounload Results:

gid lstatlavg speed Ipath/URI


7c42a5lOk 6.6kiB/sl//tmp/futounattend.xml

Status Legend:

(ok):dounload completed.

ERROR: "2" is not a ualid image in/os/installer/sources/boot.wim"1

Please specify a 1-based inage index Or

conta ined in the WIM archive, run

image name . To list the images


ERROR: Exiting uith error code 18:

Tr ied to select an

Line 1811 return 10

image that does not exist in the WIM

u immountru Sboot_win 2 /win/

Welcone to Alpine Linux 3.18

Kerne1 6.1.55-0-uirt on an x86_64 (/deu/ttu1)

bin456789 commented 8 months ago


MalikWilliams1greher commented 8 months ago


谢谢大佬 换到官方版后可以了,请问后期计划支持精简版系统Windows系统嘛 😂 官方版太占内存了

bin456789 commented 8 months ago


vesugier commented 7 months ago
