binary-husky / void-terminal

The CLI & python API for the well-known project gpt-academic.
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Void Terminal

The CLI & python API for the well-known project gpt_academic.


  1. source installation.

    bash init.bash
  2. Pip installation (Not recommended).

    pip install void-terminal

Usage (Commandline)

vt -a "hello, world!"
vt -c "List all docker containers currently running on this system"

Usage (Python API)

import void_terminal as vt
# For more available configurations (including network proxy, api, using chatglm etc.),
# see of in the mother project:
vt.set_conf(key="API_KEY", value="sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")   # or you can delete this line and set ENV variable
vt.set_conf(key="LLM_MODEL", value="gpt-3.5-turbo")     # or you can delete this line and set ENV variable

chat_kwargs = vt.get_chat_default_kwargs()
chat_kwargs['inputs'] = 'Hello, world!'
result = vt.get_chat_handle()(**chat_kwargs)
print('\n*************\n' + result + '\n*************\n' )
import void_terminal as vt
from import Live
from rich.markdown import Markdown

# vt.set_conf(key="API_URL_REDIRECT", value='{"": ""}')
vt.set_conf(key="API_KEY", value="sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
vt.set_conf(key="LLM_MODEL", value="gpt-3.5-turbo")

plugin = vt.get_plugin_handle('void_terminal.crazy_functions.Markdown_Translate->TranslateMarkdownToSpecifiedLanguage')
plugin_kwargs = vt.get_plugin_default_kwargs()
plugin_kwargs['main_input'] = './'
my_working_plugin = plugin(**plugin_kwargs)

with Live(Markdown(""), auto_refresh=False) as live:
    for cookies, chat, hist, msg in my_working_plugin:
        md_str = vt.chat_to_markdown_str(chat)
        md = Markdown(md_str)
        live.update(md, refresh=True)
import void_terminal as vt
from import Live
from rich.markdown import Markdown

llm_model = "gpt-3.5-turbo&gpt-4"
vt.set_conf(key="API_KEY", value="sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
vt.set_conf(key="LLM_MODEL", value=llm_model)
plugin = vt.get_plugin_handle('void_terminal.crazy_functions.InquiryMultipleLargeLanguageModels->SimultaneousInquiry')
plugin_kwargs = vt.get_plugin_default_kwargs()
plugin_kwargs['main_input'] = 'Hello, world!'
plugin_kwargs['plugin_kwargs'] = {"advanced_arg": llm_model}
my_working_plugin = plugin(**plugin_kwargs)

with Live(Markdown(""), auto_refresh=False) as live:
    for cookies, chat, hist, msg in my_working_plugin:
        md_str = vt.chat_to_markdown_str(chat)
        md = Markdown(md_str)
        live.update(md, refresh=True)

Advanced Settings with Environment Variables

  1. SHOW_VOID_TERMINAL_LOGS. Set this Environment Variable to display void terminal logs