binokochumolvarghese / lightbi-hugo

Lightbi is a minimal and clean blog theme for Hugo.
MIT License
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Problems installing lightbi #56

Closed satyagrahi closed 3 months ago

satyagrahi commented 3 months ago

Thanks for creating the theme, i like it!

However, trying to get it running has been difficult:

I copied your example site/content into /content, but need to copy more to get menus, etc. How/where do i put the Or do i have to let Hugo generate it only? How do i get search working? Looked at i18n but was not clear on next steps.

Thanks. Can use hugo discourse or any other means of communication.

binokochumolvarghese commented 3 months ago


Thanks for the kind words and sorry for the troubles.

Can you check the full working demo here or my blog which showing the full steps to install this theme.

satyagrahi commented 3 months ago

Hi, Thank you for responding. When i downloaded your example website last week, i got the latest version. My 3 questions above still are not answered in your blog. If possible, please answer, else i will keep puttering around :) Thanks in advance

binokochumolvarghese commented 3 months ago

Hi, You have to copy the hugo.toml in the content to the root folder for menu and other site parameters. Check the latest version, earlier the name was config.toml. I have mentioned the same in the blog under Modify Configuration section. is required for every section in you blog like posts, notes, and collections. It is also available in the content folder.

Check here for multilanguages.

Please let me know the above helped or not.

satyagrahi commented 3 months ago

Hi, I tried on a windows machine from the very first instruction. Got everything setup, including copying the hugo.toml file. I get this error, which i do not understand:

ERROR The "tweet" shortcode requires two named parameters: user and id." WARN The author key in site configuration is deprecated. Use instead. WARN The author key in site configuration is deprecated. Use instead. Built in 1139 ms Error: error building site: logged 1 error(s)`

I can edit the posts and remove the lines. But i was trying to understand the params.


binokochumolvarghese commented 3 months ago

Hi, this is due to the changes in shortocode format in the recent Hugo versions. I have updated the file with latest shortcodes and you can check the changes here.

You may please download the latest theme or just update this file in you theme.

satyagrahi commented 3 months ago

Hi, Got everything work, including search, and its great. Now i can work on my content. Just a couple of issues:

Thank you, hope to release my site in a week.

binokochumolvarghese commented 3 months ago


Happy to hear that it is working. I would love to see your creations and you can share your website link here.