binzhulab / SATS

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SATS (Signature Analyzer for Targeted Sequencing)


SATS is a novel method developed for the accurate identification of mutational signatures in tumors sequenced using targeted panels. Unlike tools developed for whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing, SATS is specifically designed to address the unique challenges of targeted sequenced tumors. It encompasses the detection of de novo signatures, mapping these to reference TMB signatures, estimating signature activities, and calculating signature burdens.

For more information please refer to the user guide.


To install SATS directly from GitHub:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))  

Alternatively, download the package and follow the steps below. Download SATS_0.0.8.tar.gz (for Unix) or (for Windows, R version >= 4.1). To install SATS on Unix, enter the command from a Unix prompt:

R CMD INSTALL SATS_0.0.8.tar.gz -l path_to_install_package

Alternatively, SATS_0.0.8.tar.gz (for Unix) or (for Windows, R version >= 4.1) from the Github page are available and one may use the following commands:

install.packages("./SATS_0.0.8.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("./", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")

Once the installation is successful, it can be loaded in R by calling


A schematic workflow of SATS


a. The workflow starts with summarizing somatic mutations identified through targeted sequencing, including single base substitutions (SBS), into a mutation type matrix $\mathbf{V}$. In addition, SATS requires a panel context matrix $\mathbf{L}$ that specifies the number of trinucleotide contexts for individual panels. SATS is based on a Poisson Nonnegative-Matrix Factorization (pNMF) model, approximating $\mathbf{V}$ by $\mathbf{L} \circ \mathbf{W} \times \mathbf{H}$ (i.e., $\mathbf{V} \approx \mathbf{L} \circ \mathbf{W} \times \mathbf{H}$, where $\circ$ denotes the element-wise product and $\times$ represents the matrix multiplication operator.

b. The analysis procedure of SATS involves signature detection for a patient cohort and signature refitting for individual patients. In this illustrative example, SATS initially identifies de novo tumor mutation burden (TMB) signature 1 and 2 for a patient cohort, and then maps them to reference TMB signatures 1, 2/13 and 5. Subsequently, SATS carries out signature refitting for 6 patients (e.g., Pt.1, Pt.2, …, Pt.6), estimating activities of the mapped reference TMB signatures and the expected number of mutations attributed to each signature, namely signature burden.
For instance, the activities of SBS1, SBS2/13 and SBS5 for patient 3 (Pt.3) are 0.27, 0.84 and 0.18. Additionally, we estimate 0.67, 1.16 and 3.17 SBS attributed to signature SBS1, SBS2/13 and SBS5, respectively.

Example Data

The package includes a simulated dataset:

SATS Quick Usage Guide

1. Main Input matrices

2. Generating the panel size matrix $\mathbf{L}$

3. Mapping de novo TMB-based Signatures

4. Estimating Signature Activities and Burdens

5. Signature Refitting for Single Tumors


SATS provides a comprehensive approach for analyzing mutational signatures in targeted sequenced tumors, addressing the limitations of existing tools and providing detailed steps for analysis in various scenarios. This work is under the license of CC BY-NC 4.0.