binzhulab / SUITOR

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SUITOR: selecting the number of mutational signatures through cross-validation


For the de novo mutational signature analysis, estimating the correct number of signatures is the crucial starting point, since it influences all the downstream steps, including extraction of signature profiles, estimation of signature activities and classification of tumors based on the andestimated activities. Here we present an R package SUITOR, an unsupervised cross-validation tool to select the optimal number of signatures. This tutorial introduces the usage of two main functions suitor() and suitor_Extract_WH() as follows.

For more information please refer to the user guide.


To install from Github, use the devtools R package:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))  

Alternatively, download the package and follow the steps below. Download SUITOR_1.0.0.tar.gz (for Unix) or (for Windows, R version >= 4.0). To install SUITOR on Unix, enter the command (without the quotes) from a Unix prompt:

R CMD INSTALL SUITOR_1.0.0.tar.gz -l path_to_install_package

Alternatively, SUITOR_1.0.0.tar.gz (for Unix) or (for Windows, R version >= 4.0) from the Github page are available and one may use the following commands:

install.packages("SUITOR_1.0.0.tar.gz", repose = NULL, type = "source")
install.packages("", repose = NULL, type = "win.binary")

Once the installation is successful, it can be loaded on R by calling


Run suitor() function

The main function suitor(data, op) is to select the number of mutational signatures based on cross-validation. The first argument of the function is data. It could be an R dataframe or matrix containing mutational catalog whose elements are non-negative counts. We set each column of data corresponding to a tumor (or sample) while its rows representing a mutation type. For example the dimension of data is 96 by N for single base substitution where N is the number of tumors. An example data (SimData) with dimension 96 by 300 is available in the paackage for illustrative purpose. First, we start with the default option:

> data(SimData)
> re <- suitor(SimData)
> re$rank
[1] 8

It computes the estimated optimal rank stored at re$rank and generates the cross validation error plot.

suitor() Options

Since SUTIOR is based on cross-validation and the Expectation Conditional Maximization (ECM) algorithm, it is necessary to set a list of tuning parameters which control the fitting process.

Name Description Default Value
min.value Minimum value of matrix before factorizing 1e-4
min.rank Minimum rank 1
max.rank Maximum rank 10
k.fold Number of folds 10
em.eps EM algorithm stopping tolerance 1e-5
max.iter Maximum number of iterations in EM algorithm 2000
n.seeds Number of seeds (starting points) 30
n.cores Number of cores to use 1
get.summary 0 or 1 to create summary results 1
plot 0 or 1 to produce an error plot 1
print 0 or 1 to print info (0=no printing) 1
seeds Vector of seeds (takes precedence over n.seeds) NULL

min.value is a small number added to the data matrix for stable computation of non-negative matrix factorization. For a given number of signatures or called rank r (min.rankrmax.rank), the data matrix is divided into k.fold parts for the cross-validation. The default value of the maximal rank max.rank is 10 but it can be changed depending on the cancer type. The default value of the number of fold K (k.fold) is 10 and it can be modified depending on the computer resources.

Since the ECM algorithm may converge to a local saddle point, SUITOR tries multiple initial values for W~0~ and H~0~. For this purpose, the number of seeds (n.seeds) or a vector of seeds (seeds) is used. For example, when setting the number of seeds n.seeds = 30, 30 seeds are randomly generated while setting a vector of seeds as seeds = 1:30 defines the seeds as 1, 2, ..., 30. Note that seeds takes precedence over n.seeds; in fact, if seeds = 1:30 is used, n.seeds = 30 will be ignored. Although the default n.seeds is set to 30, it can be increased depending on the size of the data matrix and/or computational resources.

For the ECM algorithm, the default value of the maximal iteration max.iter is set to 2000. It is possible for some cases to reach the maximal iteration, for which the function would produce a warning message. Overall, we recommend a two-stage approach where the user would run suitor() with the default option first and then narrow down the set of plausible ranks (min.rankrmax.rank) with more seeds (seeds) and a larger number of maximal iteration (max.iter) if necessary.

To ease the computation burden, SUITOR supports the parallel computing for Windows and UNIX machines by specifying n.cores greater than 1. To check whether parallel computing is available for the computer,

> detectCores()

If detectCores() returns a value greater than 1, that return value may be used for n.cores.

To run the function suitor() with different option values, we create a list of options as follows. Note that the name of the option list should be matched with elements in the above option table.

> OP <- list(min.rank = 5, max.rank = 13, k.fold = 5, n.seeds = 50, 
         get.summary = 0)
> re2 <- suitor(data = SimData, op = OP)
> Summary2 <- getSummary(re2$all.results, ncol(SimData))
> Summary2$rank
[1] 8
> plotErrors(Summary2$summary)

If get.summary is set to 0, suitor() only produce a matrix containing all possible results. In that case, as shown below one needs to use the getSummary(obj, NC, NR) function to compute the estimated optimal rank (Summary1$rank), where obj is the matrix containing all results from suitor(), NC and NR are the numbers of columns and rows respectively in the input data for suitor(). Please note that NR has a default value of 96 for single base substitution signature analysis. The plotErrors() function could be used to draw a cross validation error plot. An example plot is here.

Run suitor_extract_WH() function

Once the optimal number of signature or called rank is estimated by suitor(), we can extract the signature profiles W~est~ and activities H~est~ with the function suitor_extract_WH(data, rank, op). As in the suitor() function, the input data is a data frame or matrix containing mutational catalog whose elements are non-negative counts. A non-negative integer rank is the number of mutational signatures to be extracted. The possible option values are summarized in the following table and they can be used in the same manner as suitor(). Name Description Default Value
min.value Minimum value of matrix before factorizing 1e-4
n.seeds Number of seeds (starting points) 30
n.cores Number of cores to use for parallel computing 1
print 0 or 1 to print info (0=no printing) 1
seeds Vector of seeds (takes precedence over n.seeds) NULL

To run the suitor_extract_WH() function,

> re <- suitor(SimData)
> re$rank
[1] 8
> Extract <- suitor_extract_WH(SimData, re$rank)
seed 30
> head(Extract$W)
      denovo A     denovo B     denovo C     denovo D    denovo E
A[C>A]A 0.04983920 6.864379e-20 9.210142e-04 5.021053e-03 0.010287996
A[C>A]C 0.03619912 2.909597e-03 6.688993e-04 4.062685e-07 0.007367939
A[C>A]G 0.01907898 1.760262e-03 5.568929e-20 5.822657e-20 0.001869262
A[C>A]T 0.03533304 8.483854e-04 5.568929e-20 2.024296e-03 0.008467782
C[C>A]A 0.08706398 7.221585e-03 5.568929e-20 1.323915e-03 0.010022022
C[C>A]C 0.10698556 6.864379e-20 5.568929e-20 2.885607e-12 0.003802372
        denovo F     denovo G     denovo H
A[C>A]A 6.236367e-20 1.121825e-03 5.495331e-20
A[C>A]C 6.236367e-20 1.053258e-03 9.980362e-04
A[C>A]G 6.236367e-20 2.401631e-07 1.528276e-10
A[C>A]T 4.031693e-07 5.511649e-20 2.594604e-03
C[C>A]A 1.427441e-04 1.903321e-03 5.495331e-20
C[C>A]C 1.287044e-06 5.511649e-20 1.492892e-03

> Extract$H[,1:3]
             [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
denovo A 2.803011e+00 2.050670e+00 7.926640e-12
denovo B 1.508570e+01 2.105153e+00 1.815314e+01
denovo C 9.011722e+01 1.227970e+01 2.238425e+00
denovo D 8.467579e-13 6.883381e+01 5.620215e+01
denovo E 2.281342e+01 6.971187e-13 2.699901e+00
denovo F 4.592150e+01 4.630038e+01 1.337674e-04
denovo G 1.431012e+01 2.083340e+01 8.982586e+01
denovo H 8.595290e+01 1.260151e+01 1.788483e+01