FooDMe2 (Food DNA Metabarcoding) is a Nextflow pipeline for procesing of metabarcoding data, especially developed for applications in the analyis of food and feed products authenticity, or similar materials and applications.
It is designed to be easily installed and used, and work on a wide range of configuration.
The full documentation is available from the homepage
The FooDMe2 team gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to FooDMe1, by its (former) developers as well as the user community. We hope to continue this fruitful collaboration with FooDMe2.
With our switch to Nextflow, we happily acknowledge the use of design principles and code snippets from the project, whose fundamental contributions to the Nextflow community has greatly influenced our work on FooDMe2.
FooDMe2 is developed and supported by the following people and organizations:
Grégoire Denay, Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Rhein-Ruhr-Wupper, CVUA RRW
Marc Höppner, Landeslabor Schleswig-Holstein, LSH