bioatlas / dcatap-swe-docker

Project to provide a tool for conversion of DwcA metadata to DCAT-AP
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Swedish DCAT-AP generator

UPDATE please do not use the "editor" mentioned below - it is deprecated and doesn't work - see instead if this repo fits your use case:

This experimental project provides a minimal set of containers with tools that can be used to automate workflows involving DCAT-AP resources in Sweden (with the intent to publish on the Internet).

A list with some of the relevant tools is available at, including for example:


The project is work in progress - not all relevant tools are included yet - and a few tools are included which may later be removed as it is not clear whether they are actively maintained/supported or relevant for use within Sweden with the Swedish DCAT-AP v 1.1 standard. For example:

A tool from - a DCAT-AP generator which takes CSV input and generates a valid resource that can be exposed at a FQDN on the format

This tool is listed as one of the reference implementations in this slightly dated DCAT-AP implementation guide from here:

It also wraps and bundles a tool from - a DCAT-AP editor adapted for Sweden - created by Metasolutions. It is deprecated and will likely be removed from here or be replaced with a more up-to-date and supported alternative.


Install git, make, docker and docker-compose. Then, for name resolution to work, make your system aware of the dnsmasq name resolver that will be launched by docker and is defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

On Linux this can be done by editing /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head, adding this line:


Then restart resolvconf using this command:

    sudo systemctl restart resolvconf.service

For variations of how to do this on MacOS and other platforms, please search the Internet.

For setting up SSL, see instructions at


Issue the following command provided you have make, git, docker and docker-compose:


Adaptations for "generator"

If needed modify these files to adapt the field-to-term mappings etc:


Adaptations for "editor"

This tool should be upgraded to support the next version of the schema.

Usage of "ckan"

The ckan service is using which is the Italian setup of CKAN with plugins for DCAT and DCATAP-Italy. This CKAN configuration provides a catalog.rdf file which can be validated using for example

This service can be managed using these Makefile targets:

    # build everything from sources and launch services

    # just start the ckan portal including redis, postgres, solr
    make up

    # initialize ckan (required on first run only)
    make init

    # launch ckan home (currently
    # NB: use firefox and login with `ckanadmin/ckanpassword`
    make browse

    # at this point, manually set up an Organization and add a Dataset
    make dl-demodata

    # get the catalog.rdf
    make dcatapit.rdf

    # validate dcatapit.rdf manually by uploading the file here
    firefox &

    # harvest
    make harvest

    # inspect logs
    docker-compose logs -f ckan

Issues and TODO
