biodiversitydata-se / biologging-sensor-client

SBDI Biologging Sensor project - Client
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Getting Started

To run the app on your local machine,



  1. Set up and clone this repository onto your local machine. See GitHub's getting started instructions if you are using GitHub for the first time.
  2. In the command line window, navigate to the directory where you have stored the cloned files
  3. cd biologging-sensor-client
  4. npm install if you are running the app for the first time or if you are aware new libraries have been added to the application code since the last time you ran this command.
  5. Run the command below:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. If the port 3000 has been used by another application, check the command line window messages for the port that is used.

TEST server

you can ssh with your account blggext several commands are available :

git pull
npm install
npm run dev

assure that .env.local file is present

for security reasons, several commands are disabled (cd for instance)

if you want to see the logs in the terminal, you can run the app by using

npm run dev

if you want to make it run permanently (background), please run :

pm2 --name biologging-client start npm -- run dev

you can see the process running here :

pm2 ps

to delete the process, please use

pm2 delete ID

ID being the id of the app launched (most of the time : 0 )

Development and Testing Environment

Global Packages

Project Dependencies

Necessary Documentation