bioinformatics-policlinicogemelli / Varan-Pub

Varan: A tool for managing mutational data and creating cancer studies in cBioPortal.
Apache License 2.0
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Varan 2.0 is a Python-based application that provides a pipeline to automatically prepare cancer genomics data in the specific format supported by the cBioPortal.
Specifically, starting with a folder containing the vcf files, or with a single file containing a list of vcf file paths, this application can structure and validate a study folder ready to be uploaded to its local instance of cBioPortal.
This application also gives the possibility to work on existing study folder. In fact, it permits to update a study folder by adding new samples or extract/remove samples from it.
Click here for more information on the steps for cBioportal installation. ## Installation procedure ### Prerequisites * Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)

The Variant Effect Predictor VEP is a tool used to determine the effect of variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions, CNVs or structural variants) on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulatory regions.
The steps to install VEP can be found here, while DB and FASTA files can be downloaded here * vcf2maf

vcf2maf is the tool required for the conversion of vcf files in maf format ones.
All the installation info can be found here * Samtools

Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data.
All the installation info can be found here ### Varan 2.0 To correctly install and use Varan 2.0: 1. Open a terminal 2. Digit the following command to clone the repository folder: ``` git clone ``` 3. Install all of the packages required ``` cd /varan-2.0 pip install -r requirements.txt ```

⚠️ Depending on the python version it may be necessary to use pip3 instead of pip

To test the installation and check if everything works, launch the main script ``` cd /varan-2.0 python -h ``` If everything works, you will see a printed output like this: ``` 1:04:09.32 | INFO | Welcome to VARAN usage: [-h] [-c CANCER] [-d] [-i INPUT] [-f] [-t {snv,cnv}] [-w] [-v] [-u] [-n NEWPATH] [-r] [-e] -o OUTPUT_FOLDER [-s SAMPLELIST] [-p PATH] Argument of Varan script optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CANCER, --Cancer CANCER Cancer Name -d, --Directory Add this argument if input is a folder -i INPUT, --input INPUT input folder tsv with data or tsv with path of data -f, --filter_snv Filter out from the vcf the variants wit dot (.) in Alt column -t {snv,cnv}, --vcf_type {snv,cnv} Select the vcf file to parse -w, --overWrite Overwrite output folder if it exists -v, --vus Filter out VUS variants -u, --Update Add this argument if you want to concatenate two studies -n NEWPATH, --NewPath NEWPATH Path of new study folder to add -r, --Remove Add this argument if you want to remove samples from a study -e, --Extract Add this argument if you want to extract samples from a study -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output_folder OUTPUT_FOLDER Output folder -s SAMPLELIST, --SampleList SAMPLELIST Path of file with list of SampleIDs -p PATH, --Path PATH Path of original study folder ```

⚠️ If any error is printed while launching, check if the step 3 completed without errors ## Usage

The first step to start using Varan is to correctly set the configuration file *conf.ini*. This file is divided in 6 subsessions: *

Paths: here is possible to specify Vep, vcf2maf and fasta paths and data. *

Project: here is possible to specify project info like name, description and profile *

Filters: here are specified the filters applied in the filtering step *

Cna: here are specified the CNV genotypes *

TMB: here are specified the TMB thresholds *

MSI: here are specified the MSI thresholds

Varan application can be divided into two separate main blocks that require different inputs and ensure different operations to perform on them. The first block contains the functions to create a new study folder ex-novo, while the second one contains the functions to modify (Update/Extract/Remove samples) an existing study folder. Here below are reported the steps and the options to set to run each block. ### Block One: Create Study Folder ex-Novo #### Workflow ```mermaid flowchart TD A[Conda activate VEP\ Start VARAN] --> B[FOLDER CNV,SNV, TSV] B --> C[W A L K] C --> D((FILTER_CLINVAR)) D((FILTER_CLINVAR)) --> E((CONCATENATE)) E((CONCATENATE)) --> F((MAKE_META, MAKE_CASES, INPUT MAF)) F --> U[STUDY_FOLDER] U --> G[UPLOAD_ON_CBIOPORTAL] ``` #### 1. Preparing Input

To create a new study folder, the user must give .vcf files as input to the program. This can be done in two different ways: tsv file: user must prepare a tsv file containing all of the vcf files' paths Folder: user must organize a folder containing all of the vcf files and a csv file where the patient IDs and samples IDs are listed. The structure of this folder have to follow the one reported below ``` input_folder/ ├── CNV │ ├── 001.vcf │ ├── 002.vcf │ └── 003.vcf ├── SNV │ ├── 001.vcf │ ├── 002.vcf │ └── 003.vcf ├── CombinedOutput │ ├── 001_CombinedVariantOutput.tsv │ ├── 002_CombinedVariantOutput.tsv │ └── 003_CombinedVariantOutput.tsv └── clinical_info.tsv ``` Where: *

*CombinedVariantOutput.tsv* is a tsv file that is necessary to TMB, MSI and Fusions evaluation and that has to contain [TMB], [MSI] and [Fusions] fields. It has to be named as *PatientID_CombinedVariantOutput.tsv* *

*clinical_info.tsv* is a tsv file that is necessary to map tha sample ID to the patient ID. It has to be structured as a two columns tables with "PatientID" and "SampleID" fields. ⚠️ *An example of both input types can be found in the **input_templates** folder* #### 2. Launch Varan main These are the options that can be set for this block: | Options | Description | Type | Required |-------------------------|----------------| :---:| :---:| |-o

Add this option to insert the path where to save the output folder| string | Yes |-i

Add this option to insert the path to the input tsv file where the vcf files are listed| | No |-c

Add this option to specify a cancer type| string | No |-f

Add this option to filter out from the vcf the variants with dot (.) and PASS in Alt and Filter column respectively |boolean| No |-t

Add this option to specify the type of vcf (snv/cnv) |string|Only if the -i option is selected |-w

Add this option to overwrite output folder if already exists (⚠️ *if not set, the program will stop if it finds an existing output directory*)|boolean| No |-v

Add this option to filter out VUS variants | boolean | No **Example:** vcf file input - SNV : Launch this command to perform a filtering on vcf files, a filter on VUS variants and save (or rewrite) a study folder starting from a file listing snv vcf files. ``` python -i -c -t snv -f -v -o -w ``` vcf file input - CNV : Launch this command to perform a filtering on vcf files, a filter on VUS variants and save (or rewrite) a study folder starting from a file listing cnv vcf files. ``` python -i -c -t cnv -f -v -o -w ``` vcf directory : Launch this command to perform a filtering on vcf files, a filter on VUS variants and save (or rewrite) a study folder starting from a directory containing all of the vcf files. ``` python -d -c -f -v -o -w ``` #### 3. Output After has run successfully, the resulted output folder should have the following organization and content: ``` cancer_name ├── data_clinical_sample.xlsx ├── case_lists │ ├── cases_cna.txt │ ├── cases_sequenced.txt │ └── cases_sv.txt ├── data_clinical_patient.txt ├── data_clinical_sample.txt ├── data_cna.txt ├── data_cna_hg19.seg ├── data_mutations_extended.txt ├── data_sv.txt ├── meta_clinical_patient.txt ├── meta_clinical_sample.txt ├── meta_cna.txt ├── meta_cna_hg19_seg.txt ├── meta_mutations_extended.txt ├── meta_study.txt └── meta_sv.txt ```

When updating/removing/extracting samples, a new study folder will be created within the output_folder with the name updated_data in which the modified files will be stored. ### Block Two: Modify Existing Study Folder #### Workflow ```mermaid flowchart TD U[STUDY_FOLDER] U -->EXTRACT U -->DELETE U -->UPLOAD ``` #### 1. Preparing Input

The input for this block is a study folder correctly populated. It can be the output of the first block or an already existing folder. Its structure has to follow the one reported in the output paragraph. #### 2. Launch Varan main These are the options that can be set for this block: | Options | Input | Type | Required |----------------|----------------| :---:| :---:| |-o

Add this option to insert the path where to save the output folder| string | Yes |-u

Add this option if you want to update an existing study folder| boolean | No |-r

Add this option if you want to remove samples from an existing study folder| boolean | No |-e

Add this option if you want to extract samples from an existing study folder| boolean | No |-n

Add this option to insert the path where to save the updated study folder | string | Only if the -u option is selected |-s

Add this option to insert the path to the txt file containing the list of samples to remove/extract from an existing study folder| string | Only if the -r or -e option is selected |-p

Add this option to insert the path to the already existing study folder to update or from where remove/extract samples | string | Only if the -u, -r or -e option is selected **Example:**

sample update: Launch this command to update a study folder by inserting or updating clinical and samples info and to save a new updated one in the output path. ``` python -u -p -n -o ```

sample removal: Launch this command to remove a list of samples from a study folder and to save a new one without the removed samples in the output path. ``` python -r -p -s -o ```

sample extraction: Launch this command to extract a list of samples from a study folder and to save a new one containing the extracted samples only in the output path. ``` python -e -p -s -o ``` #### 3. Output

After has run successfully, the resulted output folder updated_data will be created and will contain the modified files. The folder organization will be the same as the one reported in the ouput paragraph of the block one.