biolithic / content_access

Backdrop port of Content Access module - this is to provide a place for community development
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Content Access Module

by Wolfgang Ziegler,

Yet another node access module. This module allows you to manage permissions for content types by role. It allows you to specifiy custom view, view own, edit, edit own, delete and delete own permissions for each content type. Optionally you can enable per content access settings, so you can customize the access for each content node.

In particular

So the module is simple to use, but can be configured to provide really fine-grained permissions!


ACL Module

You can find the ACL module at To make use of Access Control Lists you'll need to enable per content node access control settings for a content type. At the access control tab of such a content node you are able to grant view, edit or delete permission for specific users.

Running multiple node access modules on a site (Advanced!)

A drupal node access module can only grant access to content nodes, but not deny it. So if you are using multiple node access modules, access will be granted to a node as soon as one of the module grants access to it. However you can influence the behaviour by changing the priority of the content access module as drupal applies only the grants with the highest priority. So if content access has the highest priority alone, only its grants will be applied.

By default node access modules use priority 0.


[1] Note that this overview can't take other modules into account, which might also alter node access. If you have multiple modules installed that alter node access, read the paragraph about "Running multiple node access modules on a site".