biomag-lab / hypocotyl-UNet

MIT License
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A deep learning-based approach for high throughput plant phenotyping

This repository is the companion for the paper A deep learning-based approach for high throughput plant phenotyping, Dobos et al..

The dataset used in the article can be found at this page.

The pretrained model used in the research article can be downloaded here.


Usage, dependencies

For measuring hypocotyls and training a custom model, it is required to have

To use the hypocotyl segmentation tool, clone the repository to the local machine:

git clone

src/ can be used for applying the measuring algorithm on custom images, while src/ are for training the UNet model on custom annotated data. (Detailed description on them can be found below.)

Using a trained model for measuring hypocotyls

To apply the algorithm on custom images, the folder containing the images should be organized into the following directory structure:

   |-- images
       |-- img001.png
       |-- img002.png
       |-- ...

The src/ script can be used to run the algorithm. The required arguments are

The model used in the research article can be found here.

Additionally, you can specify the following:

For instance, an example is the following:

python3 --images_path path_to_images \
    --model ../models/unet \
    --result_folder path_to_results \
    --device cuda:0

Generating your own training data

In case the algorithm performs poorly, for instance if the images were taken under very different conditions than the ones provided to the available model during training, the UNet backbone model can be retrained on custom data. This process is called annotation, which can be done easily with ImageJ.

Step 1. Organize your images to be annotated such that each image is contained in a separate folder with common root. The folder should be named after the image. For example:

   |-- image_1
       |-- image_1.png
   |-- image_2
       |-- image_2.png
   |-- ...

Step 2. Open the image to be annotated in ImageJ.

Step 3. Open the ROI manager tool.

Step 4. Select an appropriate selection tool, for example Freehand selections.

Step 5. Draw the outline of the part which is part of the plant and should be included during the measurements. Press t or click on the Add [t] button to add the selected part to the ROI manager.

Step 6. Repeat the outlining with all of the selections, adding them one by one. When it is done, select all and click More > OR (Combine).

Step 7. Press Edit > Selection > Create Mask. This will open up a new image.

Step 8. Invert the mask image by pressing Edit > Invert or pressing Ctrl + Shift + I.

Step 9. Save the mask image to the folder with the original. Add the suffix -hypo to the name. For example, if the original name was image_1.png, this image should be named image_1-hypo.png.

Step 10. Repeat the same process to annotate the parts of the plant which should not be included in the measurements. Save the mask to the same folder. Add the suffix -nonhypo to the name.

Step 11. Create the training data for the algorithm by running the src/preprocessing/ The required arguments are

Training a model on your own images

If custom annotated data is available, the containing folder should be organized into the following directory structure:

   |-- images
       |-- img001.png
       |-- img002.png
       |-- ...
   |-- masks
       |-- img001.png
       |-- img002.png
       |-- ...

The mask images should have identical name to their corresponding image. After the training data is organized, the src/ script can be used to train a custom UNet model. The required arguments are

The optional arguments are