biotope / biotope-preview

Presenting your design system
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

biotope-preview 🌻


npm install @biotope/preview --save

Component configuration

The components you would like to see inside of the preview need configurations. The preview parses your components src directory for all files called "index.ts" inside folders called "preview".

    "title": "Component Title",
    "docs": `
        # Markdown
        ## To describe my component.

        I can write as much markdown as I want.
    "htmlTagName": "your-component-html-tag",
    "resources": [
    "configurations": [
            "title": "Title for your Component in Storybook",
            "props": [
                    "name": "text-prop",
                    "value": "Lorem ipsum",
                    "knob": {
                        "type": "text",
                        "label": "Component Text",
                    "name": "number-prop",
                    "value": 123
            "innerHtml": "Lorem ipsum",
            "innerHtmlAsKnob": true,
            "children": [
                    "htmlTagName": "slotted-component-html-tag",
                    "resources": [...],
                    "props": [...],
                    "children": [...],
                    "innerHtml": "HTML content",

Please make sure that your configuration matches the TypeScript interface ComponentConfiguration defined in the preview package.

Generating the preview

Since @biotope/preview uses your components' compiled source code inside the dist folder, before generating the preview you need to run

npm run build

Then you can use.

npx biotope-preview

to create a preview folder in your project with a index.html you then can serve somewhere.

CLI parameters

Plugin for biotope build

@biotope/preview/build-plugin exposes a plugin for biotope build >v8. You can pass in an object with the following parameters:

Global Configuration

To further configure the biotope preview, you can create a preview-config.js on your project's base level. You can the define the following (optional) parameters to adjust the process to your project structure:

Here you can see a examplary preview-config.js:

module.exports = {
    globalResources: [
    componentsSrcDir: "src/components",
    resourcesDir: "dist/resources",
    outputDir: "preview",

Customize your Storybook Theme

The theme can be defined in the preview-config.js in the root of your project. There are different parameters to adapt the theme. Here's an example:

module.exports = {
    theme: {
        base: 'light',
        colorPrimary: '#607DBE',
        colorSecondary: '#F07D61',
        brandTitle: '@biotope/preview',
        brandUrl: '',
        brandImage: '',

There's a fallback theme, so you don't have to change the theme. You can also just override one parameter, for example the colorSecondary:

module.exports = {
    theme: {
        colorSecondary: '#ff238d'

For all available theming parameters, please check out the Storybook documentation.