birbilis / Hotspotizer

Enhancements to Hotspotizer
MIT License
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NOTICE: This project is currently not being maintained. Check out birbilis/Hotspotizer for a more up-to-date fork.

Stickman in Voxels

Hotspotizer allows users without computer programming skills to design, visualize, save and recall sets of custom full-body gestures, for use with the Microsoft Kinect. These gestures are mapped to system-wide keyboard commands which can be used to control any application.

Hotspotizer was my master's research project at the Koç University Design Lab. See mbaytas/ma-thesis for the TeX source files and PDF of the thesis.

Hotspotizer has been featured on Microsoft's Channel 9 Coding4Fun Kinect Projects blog.

Related Academic Publications

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Academic Project Info

Touchless full-body gesture-sensing devices such as the Microsoft Kinect have introduced a world of possibilities to interactive computing. However, the technical understanding and programming skills required to make use of these devices left them largely out of reach for designers, hobbyists, gamers and professionals outside of computing. To lower the floor of technical skills needed to utilize the technology in custom applications and to enable rapid prototyping of gesture-based interactions, we have developed Hotspotizer.

Hotspotizer allows users without computer programming skills to design, visualize, save and recall sets of custom full-body gestures. These gestures are mapped to system-wide keyboard commands which can be used to control any application that runs on the current versions of the Microsoft Windows platform.

Hotspotizer is centered around a novel, easy-to-use graphical interface, based on space discretization, for specifying free-form, full-body gestures (i.e. “teaching” gestures to a computer) for use with the Microsoft Kinect sensor.

Hotspotizer has been designed primarily for the following purposes:


Hotspotizer Manager Module Hotspotizer Editor Module


*: Hotspotizer will check for and assist with the installation of these software packages during installation.

**: Hotspotizer will check for and assist with the installation of these software packages during startup.


Download the latest release.

Unzip the archive and run setup.exe to install.

Alternatively, you can directly run Hotspotizer.exe under Application Files/Hotspotizer_X_X_X_X/.

Getting Started

Hotspotizer consists of three modules:

Start Hotspotizer to launch a Manager screen with an empty gesture set:

Empty Manager Module

If Hotspotizer can’t successfully connect to your Kinect sensor, a warning will be displayed on the right side and Kinect-related features will be disabled.

Add New Gesture Button

Click the “Add New Gesture” button to launch the Editor.

Empty Editor Module

We’ll implement a simple “swipe” gesture with the right hand, from the left to the right. We’ll map this gesture to the “space” key.

Keyboard Key Assignment

After naming the gesture, click the “Keyboard Command” button to set the keyboard mapping. Press the “space” button and click the “check” symbol to accept.

The “Press/Hold” toggle button next to the “Keyboard Command” button sets whether performing the gesture should trigger a single key press or hold down the keyboard button as long as the tracked limb remains in the hotspots of the gesture’s last frame.

Setting the Keyboard Command

You can map your gestures to any combination of keys, not just a single key.

Select the limb that will be used to perform the gesture – in this case, the right hand.

Limb Selection

We’ll implement a “swipe” gesture that incorporates 3 frames: The right hand will pass through “hotspots” on the left, in the middle, and on the right, respectively.

Mark the hotspots for the first frame on the front view grid first. On the side view grid, which is completely disabled to start with, this will enable the rows that correspond to those hotspots. Then mark hotspots on the side view grid. You will see the hotspots visualized in the 3D viewport.

A “hotspot” denotes a 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm cubic cell. The front view grid marks where these cells lie horizontally and vertically. The side view grid marks where they lie vertically and depth-wise. Hotspotizer tracks the selected limbs for each gesture and registers when they pass through the marked hotspots.

You can rotate the 3D viewport in the Editor and the Visualizer by right-clicking it and holding the right mouse button as you move the mouse around. You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel or ctrl + right mouse button.

Testing with Kinect

Step in front of the Kinect to try them out. See if the hotspots you marked really correspond to where you want your right hand to be at when you begin the gesture.

Add New Frame Button

Add the second (middle) frame using the “Add New Frame” button and mark hotspots on it. Then add the third frame.

You can go back and edit frames by clicking on them on the timeline at the bottom. You can also re-order and delete frames using the buttons below the frame’s mini-grids.

Gesture with 3 Frames

As you add frames, hotspots of the previous frames will still appear on the 3D viewport, but they will become more transparent. If there are other gestures in the gesture set you are working on, those will also appear there, and they will be very transparent (see screenshots above). This is to aid the user in keeping track of where their current hotspots are in relation to the other gestures in the set.

Save Button Manager with 1 Gesture

Save the gesture. The gesture is now part of the gesture collection loaded in the Manager and you can see its press/hold behavior, keyboard mapping and name listed in there, along with buttons to launch the Editor to make changes on the gesture and delete the gesture from the gesture collection completely.

Click the “Begin Emulation” (or “Play”) button to launch the visualizer. The visualizer will display:


The hotspots and the list items will light up when you perform the gesture. Step in front of the Kinect and try it!

When a tracked limb passes through the hotspots that belong to consecutive frames of a gesture, that gesture’s keyboard command is triggered. This also works when Hotspotizer is minimized or when another application is in use.

This “swipe” gesture, for instance, may be used now to advance slides while giving a presentation.

In the manager, you can add new gestures to your gesture collection (for example, a “reverse swipe” gesture mapped to the “backspace” key to display the previous slide while giving a presentation), or save the gesture collection for later use.

Gesture collections are saved as “JSON” data, with the extension “.hsjson”. Curious and technically adept users may edit those files to explore possibilities.

Release Notes

Known Issues in the Current Version