birik / react-week-calendar

A flexible week calendar implemented in React.js.
MIT License
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calendar react week-calendar



A flexible week calendar implemented in React.js. Additional dependency is moment.js


Live demo:

In order to run demo locally, clone the repo and run:

 npm install
 npm start

and open localhost:3000 in your browser.


  npm install react-week-calendar --save

react-week-calendar in addition to react.js dependes on moment.js. You need to have it in your dependencies:

  npm install moment --save


You need to import the component and styles in your application as follows:

import WeekCalendar from 'react-week-calendar';

import 'react-week-calendar/dist/style.less';
// or import css file
// import 'react-week-calendar/dist/style.css';


Property Type Default Description
firstDay momentObj moment() The day of the first column
numberOfDays number 7 How many days to show in calendar/ Number of columns
scaleHeaderTitle string '' The text for the top left cell
headerCellComponent ReactComponent HeaderCell The react component that gets used for rendering of header cell
dayFormat string 'dd., DD.MM' formatter for the header cells
startTime momentObj moment({h: 0, m: 0}) From which time to show calendar
endTime momentObj moment({h: 23, m: 59}) Until which time to show calendar
scaleUnit number 15 Pulsing of the calendar in minutes
scaleFormat string 'HH:mm' formatter for the scale cells
cellHeight number 25 the height of the cell
dayCellComponent ReactComponent DayCell The react component that gets used for rendering of calendar cell. If you want to start selection you need to call startSelection from props.
selectedIntervals array [] Array of all selected intervals. Important that all intervals have start and end properties as momentObj. All object is sent to EventComponent
onIntervalSelect func Send back the array of selected intervals with start, end and all values from module
onIntervalUpdate func Send back the new values of interval
onIntervalRemove func
eventComponent ReactComponent Event The react component that gets used for rendering of intervals
onEventClick func
modalComponent ReactComponent Modal The react component that gets used for rendering of modal
useModal bool true If false, after selection of the intervals the modal will be not shown and intervals will send back
showModalCase array ['create', 'edit'] Cases in which to show the modal (create new interval vs. edit existing interval)
eventSpacing number 15 The amount of horizontal space (in pixels) between events

If you want to change the styles of the component, you should overwrite the less variable. For example:

@import "~react-week-calendar/dist/style.less";

@calendar-max-height: 350px;
@header-height: 35px;
@column-min-width: 200px;
@scale-width: 100px;

Check all variables and default values in style.less