birlorg / bitwarden-cli

Cross Platform Bitwarden library and CLI with sudolikeaboss functionality.
MIT License
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bitwarden cli cli-app password-manager password-vault

Cross Platform Bitwarden library and CLI with sudolikeaboss functionality.

This repo houses both python and rust versions.

source repo lives @ But is mirrored to github:


Historic fun fact: all crypto code had to be written and stored outside of the USA at one time.

UPDATE for 2020:

It seems people still care about this code, oddly enough.

When I wrote this, the official CLI client didn't exist. I'm curious why people are using(or wanting to use) this over the bitwarden offical CLI, since it exists now:

I don't currently use this code anymore, but it's still maintained-ish I guess. I accept PR's still anyway, but I don't actively work on this code anymore.


ALIAS bw=bitwarden


$ bitwarden --help Usage: bitwarden [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Bitwarden CLI program.

Options: --url TEXT --identurl TEXT --debug / --no-debug --db TEXT --help Show this message and exit.

Commands: deletedb THIS ERASES DATA Flush and empty the... fetch_name fetch by name. fetch_uuid fetch by UUID. find find query in username,uri this does a simpe... login login to server. logout logout from server, stop agent and forget all... pull pull all records from server, updating local... register register a new account on server. slab run in slab mode. sql query the local data store using SQL. status Show various statistics.

$ bitwarden find --help Usage: bitwarden find [OPTIONS] QUERY

find query in username,uri

this does a simpe python string find i.e.:

   if query in username:

but searches against username and first url

You can export it in almost any format you wish with -f

to get the password once you found an entry use fetch_uuid

complicated example:

bw find -f tsv --no-headers | fzf | cut -f 1 | xargs bitwarden fetch_uuid -p

which means: find all entries with in them, use fzf to select a record and return only the password.

Options: -f, --format [csv|tsv|json|yaml|html|xls|xlsx|dbf|latex|ods] --headers / --no-headers --help Show this message and exit.

---- USAGE:

login: bw login

it will prompt you for a password. if you are a moron, you can specify it with --password but don't be a moron.

SLAB mode: "sudolikeaboss is a simple application that aims to make your life as a dev, ops, or just a random person who likes to ssh and sudo into boxes much, much easier by allowing you to access your bitwarden passwords on the terminal. All you need is iterm2, bitwarden, a mac, and a dream." - from:

slab command for iTerm2:

export LANG=en_CA.UTF-8;export LOCALE=en_CA.UTF-8; /usr/local/bin/bitwarden slab

if you speak a different language, change the LOCALE and LANG settings above.

We support self-hosted installations just pass --url and --identurl The url will be saved indefinitely, you do not need to set it every time (not even when you login again, it will be remembered) see bw login --help for details.


Bitwarden works by having a "master key" that is computed from your email and password. This needs to be kept "safe", but this is a CLI program. We could store the master key on disk somewhere, but that's a bad idea.

The way we do this is with an in-memory 'agent' that listens on a port (configurable, but defaults to 6277) see: python/bitwarden/ for all the details. Bonus if you figure out why that port # :). Ideally on POSIX platforms it would use a socket on disk somewhere to communicate, but I wanted this to work on Windows, so this is what we can do.. :) patches welcoome to fix this up on POSIX.

when you login, it starts up the agent, with a timeout set to the login access_token timeout in seconds, since we do not currently support re-freshing the token. At the end of the token lease, the agent will kill itself and stop running. (this is configurable, but not exported to the CLI yet -- patches welcome)

The agent requires a token to get the master key from it's in-memory store. This is currently 16 bytes of os.urandom() on startup and is stored on disk, but changes every time a new agent runs.details are in python/bitwarden/

This should mostly function fine on Windows, but is currently untested. bug reports and patches welcome.


NOTE: the rust and python are 2 different implementations that are not (currently) tied together. you need not install both, just install one (the pythone one currently if you want it to work)..

rust installation: clone the repo (either fossil or git) cd rust cargo build --release cp target/release/bitwarden /usr/local/bin/bitwarden then follow DB setup instructions below.

python installation: clone the repo (either fossil or git) cd python python3 install then follow DB setup instructions below.

or better yet, use pipenv.

Common to both, the DB setup: If you have liquibase and the sqlite JDBC driver, run tools/ Otherwise copy over the blank DB (with schema installed) I include in the tools/ dir the directory it belongs in is platform dependent, run bitwarden and it will tell you. Alternatively you can put the DB wherever you like and always prepend --db to your commands (not recommended)

TROUBLESHOOTING: export DEBUG=true and then run bitwarden. or bitwarden --debug

It will output LOTS of stuff, some of it is security sensitive, so be careful when you copy/paste the logs.

either email or reach out via fossil or github tickets.

TODO planned(code welcome):



The idea behind the CLI here is to think of the server as a place to push / pull againt. The local copy of the DB should be resilient and not erase anything ever without explicitly saying so, so that full historic backups are possible. think more like revision control. This is not fully fleshed out, at the time of this writing..


If you use fossil, just send me a place to pull from or setup a login and email/contact me and I will give you push rights. if you refuse to use fossil, you can email me patches. Or you can use github and pull-requests, I guess.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Licensed under either of

Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or at your option.

email: bitwarden @at@