bishalde / Shrinkk

SHRINKK - Shrinkk is the World's Shortest Link Shortener service to track, brand, and share short URLs.
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Enhance UI Functionality: Copy Link, Copy Original Link, Delete Buttons, and Stats Navigation #41

Open Ramu-chiluveru opened 1 month ago

Ramu-chiluveru commented 1 month ago

Issue Details:

Copy Link Button: Implement a "Copy Link" button to allow users to easily copy the generated link of a specific item or page. This feature enhances user convenience, especially when sharing links with others.

Copy Original Link Button: Provide a "Copy Original Link" button to allow users to copy the original link of an item or page before any modifications or customizations. This functionality is useful when users want to revert to the original link or compare it with the modified version.

Delete Button Functionality: This button should trigger a confirmation prompt to ensure users don't accidentally delete important data. Once confirmed, the item should be permanently removed from the system.

Stats Button Navigation: Add a navigat to the statistics or analytics section of the application. This feature provides users with insights into the performance or metrics related to their content, helping them make informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

Ramu-chiluveru commented 1 month ago

As a GSsoc'24 contributor. I want to work on this issue. SO, I request you to assign this to me. @bishalde

Cralsic123 commented 1 month ago

@bishalde I want you to assign me this task. I can contribute in it efficiently.