bishalde / Shrinkk

SHRINKK - Shrinkk is the World's Shortest Link Shortener service to track, brand, and share short URLs.
18 stars 19 forks source link
css3 django django-rest-framework flask html5 javascript mongodb qrcode shortner shortnerurl shrinkk url url-shortener

website logo
" Shorten Your LINKS Like Never Before.! "

Python version Django version MongoDB version HTML version CSS version JS version 

Repo Status ✳️


Description 🌵

Shrinkk-Shorten Your LINKS Like Never Before.!

Shrinkk is the ultimate link-shortening tool that revolutionizes the way you share URLs. With its cutting-edge technology, Shrinkk effortlessly shortens your long, cumbersome links into compact, shareable ones. Say goodbye to unsightly and intimidating URLs that discourage clicks. Shrinkk provides a sleek, elegant solution that not only saves characters but also enhances the aesthetics of your shared content. Its lightning-fast process ensures that your shortened links are ready in an instant, saving you precious time. Boost your online presence, increase engagement, and maximize click-through rates with Shrinkk's powerful link-shrinking capabilities. Experience the future of link management with Shrinkk.

Features 😱

Installation Of Modules 🚀

pip install -r requirements.txt

Steps For Contribution⚡

  1. Star ⭐

  2. Fork

  3. Clone the forked repository.

    git clone<your-github-username>/Shrinkk
  4. Navigate to the project directory.

    cd Shrinkk
  5. Create a new branch.

    git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  6. Make changes.

  7. Stage your changes and commit

    git add -A

git commit -m ""

7. Push your local commits to the remote repo.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  1. Create a Pull Request.

  2. Congratulations! 🎉 you've made your contribution.

Screenshots 📷


Login Page Login Page

Full HomePage


Login Page

Login Page

SignUp Page

SignUp Page

Public Shorten URL Page

Public Shorten URL Page

User Shorten URL Page

User Shorten URL Page

Social Links 🔗


Give Me A Bow 🏹


Our Contributors ✨

Thank you to all the amazing contributors who have made this project possible!!💝