bisno / WDRO

UniDT鲁棒优化算法 The implementation on Towards Scalable and Fast Distributionally Robust Optimization for Data-Driven Deep Learning.
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# WDRO(UniDT鲁棒优化算法) The implementation on Towards Scalable and Fast Distributionally Robust Optimization for Data-Driven Deep Learning. **** We formalize the learning problem with the supremum of a family of *subgroup-level* loss functions. Subgroup loss is the cost function of partitioned uncertainty set. Then we implement the maximum of subgroup loss as the objective function and update model parameters by reweighting the descent direction, calculated from a differentiable objective function:
***Prerequisites:*** ``` tensorflow-gpu-1.13.1 cvxopt-1.2.5 numpy-1.15.0 pandas-0.25.2 ``` #### Toydata: A regression example. A toy dataset contains four subgroups. ``` python ```
#### Implemtation: 1, DNN+WDRO: ``` python --num_of_group 4 --num_minor 2 --train_subgroup_batch 100 ``` Here, --num_of_group : total subgroup number $N$ ; --num_minor : number of minor-class subgroup $c$ ; --train_subgroup_batch : number of data in each subgroup $s_j$ ; 2, ResNet+WDRO: ``` python --num_of_group 4 --num_minor 2 --train_subgroup_batch 100 ``` The label now is "eyeglasses" in CelebA dataset, which can be changed in ## Acknowledgements This work is supported by UniDT's Cognitive Computing and Few Shot Learning Project. This repository can only be used for personal/research/non-commercial purposes.