bisnuray / GeminiProBot

Gemini is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system designed to intelligently respond to diverse prompts, including pictures, text, speech, music, and code. This Python Telegram Bot script leverages the aiogram library to interact with Google's AI.
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gemini gemini-ai gemini-api gemini-bot gemini-pro gemini-pro-vision gemini-telegram-bot

Gemini Pro Telegram Bot 🌌

Gemini is an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system designed to intelligently respond to diverse prompts, including pictures, text, speech, music, and code. This Python Telegram Bot script leverages the aiogram library to interact with Google's AI.

🌟 Features

For more detailed information on the capabilities and availability of Google Gemini AI, please visit Google's official blog.

Getting Started 🚀

To utilize Gemini Pro, configure your environment with the necessary API key and service account credentials. Follow these steps to get started:


  1. Install the required dependencies, ensuring Python 3.9 or higher:

    pip install aiogram==2.25.1 Pillow google-generativeai

    Note: The PIL package is part of the Pillow library, which is a more up-to-date fork of PIL.

  2. Create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service account and download the JSON key file. Follow these steps:

    • Go to Google Cloud Console.
    • Navigate to the project where you want to create a service account.
    • In the left sidebar, click on the hamburger menu and select "IAM & Admin" > "Service accounts."
    • Click on "Create Service Account" at the top of the page.
    • Enter a name for the service account, choose a role (e.g., Project > Editor), and click "Continue."
    • Skip the "Grant users access to this service account" section and click "Done."
    • Locate the newly created service account in the list and click on the pencil icon to the right.
    • Navigate to the "Add Key" tab, choose JSON as the key type, and click "Create." Save the downloaded JSON file to a secure location.
  3. Obtain a Google API key by following the link here.

  4. Set the Google API key and the path to your service account credentials as environment variables:

    export GOOGLE_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/serviceaccount.json

    Replace <your-api-key> and /path/to/serviceaccount.json with your actual Google API key and the path to your service account JSON file, respectively.

Setting Environment Variables Permanently on a VPS

To set environment variables permanently on a VPS :

  1. Open the Profile File

    For a single user, edit ~/.bashrc:

    nano ~/.bashrc
  2. Add the Environment Variables

    At the bottom, add:

    export GOOGLE_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/serviceaccount.json"

    Replace "your-api-key-here" and "/path/to/serviceaccount.json" with your actual details.

  3. Save and Exit

    Press Ctrl + O, then Enter and .Press Ctrl + X, to exit

  4. Apply the Changes

    Reload the profile:

    source ~/.bashrc

    Deploy to VPS

git clone
cd GeminiProBot
nano [ replace with your actual bot token ]

Setting Up the Bot

  1. Create a new bot with @BotFather on Telegram and get the bot token.
  2. Replace the placeholder token in the script with your actual bot token.

Running the Bot

Execute the script to start the bot:


Usage 🛠️

The bot supports the following commands:

Author 📝

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback.