bisq-network / roles

@bisq-network contributor roles
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Roles Maintainer #28

Open cbeams opened 6 years ago

cbeams commented 6 years ago

Docs: Team: @bisq-network/roles-maintainers

cbeams commented 6 years ago

@csacher, I've added you as an assignee, reflecting that we're in the middle of a handover process for this role.

@bisq-network/contributors, the plan is that @csacher and I will continue work together over the next weeks, getting the process and infrastructure around roles solidly in place and working with individual role owners to take control of their respective role specs, etc. Ultimately, the goal is to have @csacher bond into this role and for me to drop out of it, i.e. hand it off completely to him.

In the meantime, @csacher will start doing monthly reporting for this role in the form of comments on this issue, and you can expect to see various messages and requests from him in Slack / on the bisq-contrib mailing list and elsewhere.

Thanks, @csacher!

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2017.12 report

I worked with @csacher to begin delegating at least some aspects of maintaining the roles repository. This primarily consisted of on-boarding activities and so on, but still produced a number of positive changes, such as the friendly overview table we now see at In any case, I'm doing the monthly report this time around, and we'll see if it makes sense for @csacher to take this over in the future.

The big push is to get every role spec'd out and bonded. This takes time, and a number of specs have been coming in, but many more need to be filled out. We'll keep pushing this ball forward over the coming month.

Right now, there are too many manual moving parts involved in managing roles, including:

  1. Role specs themselves, checked in as AsciiDoc files in the root of the roles repository
  2. Role issues that track ownership and monthly reporting comments like the one you're reading now
  3. The overview table in the roles repository readme.

Each one of these is valuable and important, but having to manage them all manually is a pain, and makes the process of delegating maintenance of the roles repository a challenge. For this reason, I've begun reaching out to the Atomist team about finding ways to automate this infrastructure (Atomist is all about 'development automation', and they have sophisticated tools for automating Slack and GitHub-based workflows like the one that the Bisq DAO is based on). You'll see the @atomist bot doing various stuff in Slack, and I'll have more updates on this front next month. In any case, we'll keep the good stuff about the roles repository and automate the painful stuff.

I've taken care this month to add a monthly update for all roles I'm responsible for (again, like the one you're reading right now). Aside from the practical purpose of letting everyone know how the stuff I'm responsible for is going, this is also to set an example of how these monthly report comments should go. There is no particular structure necessary—just a 2nd level heading that reads ## 2017.12 report like you see above, and then whatever commentary and links you believe will be useful / helpful / informative to others, especially as regards making decisions about compensation request voting for your work as a bonded contributor.

Also, note below👇 how I've referenced my current month's compensation request in this update. Doing this for every role I'm responsible for creates a nice effect on the compensation request issue side, creating links between these issues in the issue timeline. This all helps with discoverability / ease of evaluating stuff at voting time, and is also just good practice for posterity's sake.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#26

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.01 report

We added a number of new roles over the last month, including:

See each for details.

As for ownership of this role (the Roles Maintainer role), I worked with @csacher over the last couple of months to hand off certain responsibilities, and in the end it was probably too early to try to do this. I'm still working out the design of things here, and I ended up running @csacher around in circles trying to hand stuff off to him that wasn't really ready to be handed off. Sorry about that, @csacher, and thank you for everything you did! I've removed you as an assignee from this role for now so that we're clear there are no further expectations.

Role specifications and bonding continue to be on hold as other priorities have taken precedence. I'll get back to this as time allows.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#35

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.02 report

No new roles were added this month, and that's the first time that's happened since the inception of phase zero in October. This means we're approaching a reasonably complete model of all the roles required to make the Bisq DAO function. There are 44 roles at present—and plenty of them are labeled help wanted.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#40

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.03 report

Since the inception of the roles repository, and the original writing of the Phase Zero paper, the idea has been to put together specifications for each role under the Bisq DAO. After 6 months, however, this hasn't happened, and the fact that it hasn't been able to get priority during that time I think this tells us that we simply don't need it yet.

So I'd like to officially defer putting together specifications for each role, and instead make it a practice for everyone playing a role to create monthly report comments like this one for each of the roles they play. @ripcurlx, @alexej996 and I have already been doing this for months, and it's been a simple and effective way to share information about what's going on with each role. Just as importantly, it is a kind of 'heartbeat' signal that lets everyone know that role assignees are in fact on top of their responsibilities.

See my comments to @mrosseel to this effect in the Freenode Admin role at, and stay tuned for a proposal issue I'll create shortly regarding this change.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#57

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.04 report

There were a lot of changes around roles this month. Some of the following items are still in progress as I write, but I'm listing them all out here to give a comprehensive overview.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#68

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.05 report

Thanks everyone for continuing to write monthly report comments on your respective role issues. I think that's beginning to work quite well.

As mentioned in last month's report, role specs are being phased out in favor of a more integrated approach, where roles will be documented under the new website. In this new approach, rather than having a dedicated documents for, say the "Proposals Maintainer", we have a dedicated document for the concept of "Proposals" under the Bisq DAO, and then there is a section in that doc for the different roles that interact with proposals. And of course one of these roles is that of "Proposals Maintainer". You can see one of the first examples of this at I like this approach quite a bit better, because it focuses on what matters (Proposals) rather than focusing on what is basically an implementation detail (the need for a Proposals Maintainer). This way, lots of people are likely to see and read about the various roles under the Bisq DAO in a more intuitive and natural context than if we went ahead with dedicated "role spec" documents as originally envisioned.

I have yet to add the new roles and GitHub teams mentioned in last month's comment. I'll get that done as soon as I can.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#74

ManfredKarrer commented 6 years ago

2018.06 report

I took over primary role ownership that month.

Nothing to report so far.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#92

cbeams commented 6 years ago

2018.06 report

Refining the documentation and process around roles has been a major focus for me over the last week, primarily because of the efforts to hand off some of my roles to other contributors. That effort has shined a pretty bright light on the gaps, and so I'm at work now on (a) making it much clearer how things should work and (b) making it possible for things to work without requiring me or Manfred to invoke GitHub Owner rights along the way. My work-in-progress 'Roles' doc at is nearing completion, and I'll have a number of other updates on this front over the days to come.

Thanks again to everyone who has stepped up to take on some of my roles. In the meantime, I'm going to continue owning this one until (a) it's really ready to hand off and (b) a contributor shows up who is really passionate about owning this infrastructure and process (it's pretty cool stuff, actually, and at the heart of our DAO organizational approach).

/cc bisq-network/compensation#89

cbeams commented 5 years ago

2018.07 report

There was a lot delivered around roles this month, but I've already documented it and claimed compensation for it as individual contributions in my compensation request for this month (linked below). Here's a screenshot of what I wrote there:


BSQ requested: 25 (for basic administrative overhead, including writing this update)

/cc bisq-network/compensation#101

cbeams commented 5 years ago

2018.08 report

Nothing to report.

BSQ Requested: 25

/cc bisq-network/compensation#114

cbeams commented 5 years ago

2018.09 report

Nothing to report.

BSQ Requested: 25

/cc bisq-network/compensation#139

cbeams commented 5 years ago

2018.10 report

Nothing to report.

BSQ Requested: 25

/cc bisq-network/compensation#160

cbeams commented 5 years ago

2018.11 report

Several new roles were created this month:

BSQ requested: 25

/cc bisq-network/compensation#179

sqrrm commented 5 years ago

Correction, @chirhonul is hosting the

cbeams commented 5 years ago

Sorry, of course that's right. Thanks. I've corrected the original post above.

cbeams commented 5 years ago

@m52go has agreed to take on this role going forward. Thanks, Steve!

m52go commented 5 years ago

2018.12 Report

Nothing to report.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#199

m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.01 Report

Nothing to report.


m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.02 Report

Nothing to report.


m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.03 Report

Four new roles were opened in advance of the DAO launch: mediator, mobile notifications relay operator, Netlayer maintainer, and BTC donation address owner.


m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.04 Report

Founder role was dissolved with the launch of the Bisq DAO on April 15.


m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.05 Report

A number of roles were handed off this month to enable Manfred's departure.


m52go commented 5 years ago

2019.06 Report

Nothing to report. Will need to look into bringing back the compensation maintainer role, however, as the compensation repository is getting messy.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.07 Report

Nothing to report.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.08 Report

Several changes and additions this month.

Added wiz as a new seed node operator.

Removed "Help Wanted" label from Bisq BitcoinJ Fork Maintainer.

Also added some new roles:


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.09 Report

wiz became Payment Methods maintainer. A new role for Analytics Administrator was created for FKrauss upon DAO approval in Cycle 5.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.10 Report

Keybase Admin role was resurrected. Nothing else notable to report.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.11 Report

Nothing notable to report.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2019.12 Report

Nothing notable to report.


m52go commented 4 years ago

2020.01 Report

Roles have been reorganized (see new structure of 5 discrete teams here), and roles themselves are currently being audited as a part of this initiative.


cbeams commented 4 years ago

2020.01 Report

Let's please switch from 2020.01 Report cycle report headings to the now-conventional Cycle 10 report style. Thanks.

m52go commented 4 years ago

Cycle 11 Report

Nothing to report. Roles documentation is taking shape on the Bisq wiki.


cbeams commented 4 years ago

@m52go, I'd like to propose that I take over this role. In actual practice, I'm very often the one managing various roles, creating new ones, etc, and performing these functions is well-aligned with my existing GitHub Admin (#16) role, as many such actions require Owner-level access (creating new GitHub teams, for example). It's also generally aligned with my Admin Team Lead role, as that role inherently deals with managing the structure of the organization.

This is not a bonded role, so I don't think we need to do anything more formal than just hand it off here. If you're aligned with that, let me know and I'll make the requisite changes. Thanks.

m52go commented 4 years ago

@cbeams agreed—please proceed.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Done. @mpolavieja, I've also removed you from the @bisq-network/roles-maintainers team. I'm not sure if this role was ever something that you fully took on, and I haven't seen any activity around roles or cycle reports posted above. Let me know if I missed something.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 report

As per the comments above, I've taken over this role from @m52go. In practice, I'm most often the one making changes to roles and their GitHub teams, etc. The role is well aligned with also playing the role of GitHub Admin, as some operations require GitHub organization Owner access.

The main change that's been made recently with roles is the addition of roles for each of the team lead positions (bisq-network/admin#31). I've also slowly been creating stub documentation on the wiki for each role. Role issue descriptions have been updated to reflect this.

We need to get to a place where owning a role means owning and keeping up to date the documentation for that role. This has always been the idea, but it's never been fully implemented. It's important that contributors feel they can rely on accurate documentation for each role, both to assess whether a contributor is properly fulfilling the duties of that role (and therefore eligible for compensation), and it's also important from the perspective of transferring role ownership from one person to another. We want to be in a place where it's possible for someone to take over a role and rely on the documentation being there that tells them what needs to be done. There will always be a human aspect to these kinds of transfers, but writing stuff down is important in order to avoid siloed knowledge.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#533

mpolavieja commented 4 years ago

Hi @cbeams, Manfred handed me the role of proposal repo mantainer last year. I took the role rather informally and what I do is clean proposals after each voting cycle and also every once in a while, but keeping the most relevant open for discussion. I did not know I had to report activity, sorry about that. I am happy to continue with the role, but if you think someone else should take it over, I am happy with that as well.

mpolavieja commented 4 years ago

Regarding this specific Repo of role mantainer, I had no idea I was included here.

m52go commented 4 years ago

Having @mpolavieja on the @bisq-network/roles-maintainers team was certainly a mistake, as he never took on the role (to my knowledge, that's also why he was never added to this issue).

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report

Nothing major to report. Fee reimbursement agent role was created, Refund Agent role was renamed to Arbitrator, minor maintenance on a number of other roles.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#573

cbeams commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14 report

This may be my last report as Roles Maintainer; I am stepping away from the project, but I have not yet handed off this role to anyone else. I will continue owning it until I do. In practice, it has been important to have someone looking after roles to make sure they're in good shape, accurately assigned, with bonds properly taken care of, etc. This role is probably best played by the same person who acts as GitHub Admin, because so many roles-related activities require admin access to the @bisq-network organization, e.g. managing GitHub teams, being able to edit role issue descriptions, etc. At least, it has been convenient from my perspective that I played these two roles at the same time. I will ask the other team leads what they'd like to do with this role going forward; in the meantime, I'll continue to own it.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#600

cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 15 report

Handing off this role did not happen as part of my departure, so I am holding onto it for now, if only nominally. I will respond to any requests regarding this role, but I am not proactively managing it.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#612

cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 16 report


cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 17 report


cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 report

Nothing to report.


cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 report


cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 report

/cc bisq-network/compensation#737

cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 21 report

Nothing to report.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#771

cbeams commented 3 years ago

Cycle 22 report

No changes to report, though a discussion is underway regarding a new comptroller role.

/cc bisq-network/compensation#794