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L1 Support Agent #64

Open cbeams opened 6 years ago

cbeams commented 6 years ago

Docs: Team: @bisq-network/l1-support-agents

huey735 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 4 Report (July 9th - August 8th)

I exclude threads where I contributed but my contribution wasn't substantial.


Topics created:


I'm also on Twitter, Telegram and Slack and will try to help those I come across.

The mains issues are:

I echo @HarryMacfinned 's

as always, there are still many threads where the initial poster never comes back

I'd like to think that those users got the answers they were looking for and just didn't bother coming back but we can't be sure.

I also helped to Update arbitration rules so we it can be clearer how to proceed in case of disputes.

huey735 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 5 Report (August 9th - September 8th)

Categories June 8th Cycle 2 July 8th Cycle 3 August 8th Cycle 4 September 8th Cycle 5
Support 1230 60 1270 40 1315 45 1342 27
Development 197 11 201 4 208 7 211 3
Uncategorized 175 3 174 -1 182 12 192 10
Payment methods 176 6 182 6 186 4 192 6
Trading 174 7 177 3 181 4 183 2
Altcoins 114 1 116 2 117 1 117 0
Promotion 115 4 116 1 117 1 117 0
Bisq DAO 36 5 36 0 36 0 38 2
Site Feedback 18 2 18 0 21 3 21 0
Legal/Compliance 11 2 13 2 13 0 13 0
Politics 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0
Sums   101   58   77 50

Notable issues:

They said they were scammed as a BTC buyer but didn't clarify further:

huey735 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 6 Report (September 9th - October 10th)

Categories July 8th Cycle 3 August 8th Cycle 4 September 8th Cycle 5 October 10th Cycle 6
Support 1270 40 1315 45 1342 27 1368 24
Development 201 4 208 7 211 3 216 5
Uncategorized 174 -1 182 12 192 10 196 4
Payment methods 182 6 186 4 192 6 196 4
Trading 177 3 181 4 183 2 184 1
Altcoins 116 2 117 1 117 0 118 1
Promotion 116 1 117 1 117 0 117 0
Bisq DAO 36 0 36 0 38 2 41 3
Site Feedback 18 0 21 3 21 0 21 0
Legal/Compliance 13 2 13 0 13 0 13 0
Politics 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0
Sums 58 77 50 42

Notable issues:

I opened an issue regarding the above to collect and point to the several instances we've had. Since then, @wiz and @christophsturm have opened PRs to fix what they think are related issues:

This files contains all odd trades (accepted offers) that ended on the trade_statistics.json generated by the Bisq software. At least 1.8 % of trades have been affected by 'invalid' transactions. These figures don't include payoutTx and withdraw transactions. Up to 10/10/2019 Total accepted offers - 41293 Offers with issues - 726 And a more detailed file, organized by month.

Other than those above, the following are the features constantly requested and mentioned on the social networks

Bisq-knight commented 4 years ago

Cycle 10 report - @bisq_knight

As we rebooted the support function in Bisq and created new processes this cycle was about adaptation. Also not a lot to report on.

not just me but all other support agents were available as assigned in the Support calendar The majority of Issues were solved at L1 support

In the next cycle we'll way more details for the monthly report

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 11 report

I handled about 50 support cases from users this cycle. Common issues included known bugs:

Other cases resulted in investigating and finding new critical bugs, which have been added to the critical bugs board, and some of those bugs have already been fixed. These bugs include:


MwithM commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 report

I've been available for a lot of time, and attended a couple cases of failed trades at Keybase and bisq community. Also started the creation of this wiki page which has been very helpful.

Users have difficulties to understand mediation and arbitration process. I opened an issue after a nice discussion on how to improve the trade protocol, at Keybase.

cbeams commented 4 years ago

I've updated the title, description and assignees to reflect that this issue is specific to the @bisq-network/l1-support-agents team. If you're an L1 Support Agent, please leave your cycle report here, thanks.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

I have been available on Keybase everyday dealing with any issues concerning the mediation tickets I've been assigned to or questions of any kind. handled around 25 cases

Have reported on GitHub these issues:

I have been in contact with devs, specially with sqrrm and ripcurlx, informing them of any bugs that were occurring or mentioning a few suggestions I had to solve problems. Have made several manual payouts.

wiz commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 report

Bayernatoor commented 4 years ago

Cycle 12 Report

Compensation Request

MwithM commented 4 years ago

Most memorable cases to mention are guiding a user to unfail a transaction (with help of the wiki) and unboarding another one willing to trade altcoins who didn't know how to create an account (created instant account while trying to take an order for normal trade). Although I usually don't announce my presence, I've been at Keybase around 6:00 to 11:00GMT and some afternoons, and also attended requests at community and reddit.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 report

I have been available on Keybase everyday dealing with any issues concerning the mediation tickets I've been assigned to or questions of any kind. Handled many cases and have been in contact with devs informing them of recent issues. Made one manual payout.

Bayernatoor commented 4 years ago

Cycle 13 Report

Compensation Request

MwithM commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14

My activity at keybase #support channel for this period has increased, I've been available at least 3h/day, from 7 to 10 GMT, monday to friday, and I had also some activity at weekends. I got into bisq.comminity more often to solve issues, and also telegram and reddit.

Most memorable cases are some issues with revolut payment method and payment links, that lead to the creation of this wiki page: some failed trades and doubts about how to buy BSQ. I created this wiki page as a guide, but I realized it's overlapping with so it's not adding much value.

leo816 commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14

Since some users were not receiving messages from some mediators I was in contact with a few who reached out for help as they didn't understand what was going on. On my case I only had 1 user who could not reach me through the app and had to do so through keybase.

Bayernatoor commented 4 years ago

Cycle 14

Available on Keybase, Reddit and the community forums from 5-8pm CET, support given in English and French.

Have assisted several "repeat" users via DMs, anything ranging from simple QnA, finding mediators, determining why trades failed etc.

My contributions to the wiki were minimal in the past 2 cycles as I was very limited on time. I plan on increasing my time spent adding to the wiki throughout the next cycles.

Bayernatoor commented 3 years ago

Cycle 15

Available on Keybase, Reddit and the community forums from 5-8pm CET, support given in English and French.

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 15

I attended regularly at keybase,, and reddit. Some days I could not attend at the planned time, but I've been there from 7-10 GMT and checking this channels at undetermined intervals.

I raised to L2 this issue with BSQ change. Other remarkable cases are wrong Zelle accounts and the need to "cancel" a trade and with Revolut, that it works better with usernames than phone numbers. Also helped users to understand the account signing process, linking the wiki and reviewing their trade ID's. CAD signing account is working better now, I'm aware of 2 successful signings.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 15

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 16

Bayernatoor commented 3 years ago

Cycle 16

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 16

Bayernatoor commented 3 years ago

Cycle 17

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 17 report

leo816 commented 3 years ago

I reduced on purpose my availability on weekends to just a couple hours max

I don't have you listed on the calendar for the weekends, do you want me to put you down for certain hours? if so let me know when. @MwithM

MwithM commented 3 years ago

I don't want to be on the calendar for weekends so I can connect whenever fits better, but you can add me from 07:00 to 08:00 GMT saturdays and sundays as I tend to look what's going on at Keybase on mornings.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 17

Bayernatoor commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18

Note, Last 2 week of this cycle I've been tight on time and have not gotten much else but support work done.

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18 report

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 18

Bayernatoor commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19 report

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 19

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 report

Busiest cycle ever.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 20 report

Last release solved the bugs that made last Cycle so busy, but they still appear from time to time (like ghost locked funds or first confirmation not detected by Bisq).

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

This is my first cycle as a support agent since completing my internship

My hours are:

During those times I have been active on Keybase, Reddit, and Bisq community. I have also posted on Telegram when I have been online for support.

Reddit has been good. I have tried to jump onto conversions about Bisq that are occurring on other subreddits. I have just been searching 'Bisq' and seeing what posts have been made recently, and then replying if appropriate. I generally think Bisq is recommended a lot and that is good to see.

Main issues traders on Keybase have had this month are lack of maker deposit tx ids confirming resulting in the subsequent trade failing when taken. This has resulted in locked funds. I think the issue here will go some way to resolving this:

This month has been busier for me on support with generally about 3 issues per shift. Most are quickly resolved with links to the relevant Wiki.

I got a good response on the subreddit when looking for users of Bisq in India, and have made some proposals for more payment options for them.

The Q4 update call also prompted enquires from at least 3 users interested in support agent internships and I pointed them in @leo816's direction.

I am enjoying the role a lot and feel that I am increasing my understanding of Bisq at the same time.

Thanks again to @mwithm who has provided me feedback on my Keybase and Bisq community interactions.

With regards the Bisq Community is it possible to set the link / anchor text as a different color from the text. Both are currently black. I think this is to do with the setting or the setting in Discourse. Using a contrasting color would improve accessibility.

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 21 report

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 22 Report

I have been available the following hours this cycle:

Also attended 3 calls to discuss various issue related to support. These have been really helpful.

On all shifts I have been regularly replying to threads on Reddit and Bisq Community Forum. The new private area has been set up this month which has been useful.

Problems this month have mostly been related to new users wanting a little help making / taking offers and having. I think the BTC price increase has brought new users to Bisq which is great. Also the high mempool activity resulting in delays in confirmations has been a source of support issues.

All has gone smoothly.

Also nice to have @rifificastorjunior onboard as he has been really great at helping out users with support queries.

RififiCastorjunior commented 3 years ago

Cycle 22 Report

This cycle i'm been completing a support agent internship.

Been available over Keybase, the Bisq Forum and Reddit following those hours:

For the last two weeks i also did 00:00 - 07:00 on Thrusday.

On almost every shift there was 3 or more users requesting support for the first time. Help almost all of them minus the technical support. Lately there are users who would like to use the App on their phone.

I also attend to one support call.

Thanks to @MwithM for helping correct my mistakes.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 22

RififiCastorjunior commented 3 years ago

Cycle 23 Report

This cycle i have been available over Keybase, the Bisq Forum and Reddit following those hours:

i also did 00:00 - 07:00 AM CET on Thursday evening- Friday morning

Users on those shift came to support regard to technical issue, for spv and dispute resolution.There were less users attended to support compared to the last month. There still users who want a light version of Bisq to run on old OS.

I also attend to three support call and one team call on Thursday. Those team call help a lot to understand what happening every week.

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 23 report

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 23 Report

I have been available on Keybase support the following hours this cycle:

23.00 - 02.00 UTC Friday evening - Saturday morning 23.00 - 02.00 UTC Saturday evening - Sunday morning 23.00 - 03.00 UTC Sunday evening - Monday morning

Attended 3 out of 4 of the weekly support calls.

I have been replying to people on Reddit and the Bisq community forum. Still monitoring reddit for other areas that Bisq is discussed / potential places Bisq can be mentioned to add value (no KYC discussions etc), I think these are good opportunities to make people aware of Bisq's as a potential solution to their indented use case.

leo816 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 23

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 24 report

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 24 Support

I have been available all my usual hours on Keybase support the following hours this cycle:

23.00 - 02.00 UTC Friday evening - Saturday morning 23.00 - 02.00 UTC Saturday evening - Sunday morning 23.00 - 03.00 UTC Sunday evening - Monday morning

I have also Attended 2 out of 4 of the weekly support calls. These have been really useful.

Main issues this cycle have been:

I also drafted a 'code of conduct' as part of the Improve support and mediation project.

I have provided users with support on Keybase and Bisq Community Forum. Also provided support, and informed users about Bisq, on Reddit

All is going well with my support role and I am enjoying being able to troubleshoot users problems and find solutions.

pazza83 commented 3 years ago

Cycle 25 Support

I have been available all my usual hours on Keybase support the following hours this cycle:

23.00 - 02.00 UTC Friday evening - Saturday morning 23.00 - 02.00 UTC Saturday evening - Sunday morning 23.00 - 03.00 UTC Sunday evening - Monday morning

I have also participated with all the support calls this cycle.

Cycle was busy to start with drop in btc price causing mempool activity to escalate and result in users having to wait in some cases a few days for confirmations and payouts. I think the volatility also brings more activity with people wanting to buy the dip.

The latter half of the cycle have been less busy. The mempool has cleared out and there seems to be less trading activity. I guess everyone is out of funds from buying the dip!

Conditions for trading are currently optimal for trading on Bisq so hope people get to take advantage of this time before the next period of escalating miner fees starts.

V1.6.5 was released this cycle and it's rollout has gone smoothly.

I have been active on Keybase, Reddit and Bisq community forum helping answer questions.

MwithM commented 3 years ago

Cycle 25 report