I2C Detector
Written by Larry Bank (bitbank@pobox.com) Copyright (c) 2019 BitBank Software, Inc. Project started 25/2/2019
Most of the logic has been moved into my BitBang_I2C library and this sketch has become an example sketch for that library. For more info, please see the library here:
The purpose of this project is to provide a small bit of code which can not only scan an I2C bus for devices, but identify those devices. I have a need for this in one of my projects where I was testing three different accelerometers and dynamically swapping between them. I thought that it could benefit others as well. Here are some scenarios where I thought it might be helpful:
1) You've got an unmarked I2C device or one with misleading markings that you would like to identify.
2) You're prototyping a project which uses multiple I2C devices and you're not sure if you set the address select bits correctly on each one.
3) You're comparing sensors from multiple manufacturers and you would like to swap them without having to recompile your code.
4) You're hacking on a mystery device and would like to know what's inside.
This code can use the Wire library or my BitBang_I2C library: https://github.com/bitbank2/BitBang_I2C
Most of the 25 devices currently detected are from STMicro because they're very consistent about having a "WHO_AM_I" register to identify each of their parts. Here are the currently recognized devices:
SSD1306, SH1106, VL53L0X, BMP180, BMP280, BME280, MPU-60x0, MPU-9250, MCP9808, LSM6DS3, ADXL345, ADS1115, MAX44009, MAG3110, CCS811, HTS221, LPS25H, LSM9DS1, LM8330, DS3231, LIS3DH, LIS3DSH, INA219, SHT3x, HDC1080