bitcoinfees / bitcoin-feemodel

Bitcoin transaction fee modeling and estimation
MIT License
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suggestion: more options for time span of charts #3

Open tphyahoo opened 8 years ago

tphyahoo commented 8 years ago

currently one day chart

is pretty useless because it's dominated by large spikes early in the chart. (As side note: do you think these outliers are glitches, or did they actually happen?)

As a simple improvement, one would like to generate a chart with most of this data, but starting after the spikes. Either

-- allow to specify start day of data -- or allow more fine grained time slices, like should show 6 hour points, and you would allow 1-24 hours here. (Currently only #3h works.)

bitcoinfees commented 8 years ago

You can actually use your mouse to specify the axis ranges, by drawing a box over the graph. Double-clicking then resets the axes.

More customization options would indeed be nice; unfortunately it's not a priority for me right now. Feel free to chip in and design a nicer front end :)

By the way the spikes aren't glitches, they occurred during various stress tests over the past half year or so, during which the mempool exceeded 200 MB as shown.