This project contains a FPGA implementation for the Bicraze Lighthouse deck FPGA. It is using the TS4231 light to digital converter and targets a Lattice ice40up5k FPGA.
This project is designed to receive signals from lighthouse basestation V1 and V2.
For each pulses detected on the light sensors:
For Lightouse V1, only the timing information are interesting. For V2, the pulse identity and sync offset are used.
The two data flow, received from the deck and sent to the deck, are independent. The deck will send a continious flow of frame containing the received pulse data. Commands can be sent to the deck to control LEDs and reset.
Frames of 12 bytes are sent to the UART. The baudrate is 230400 baud. Twice per second, an 'all-ones' frame of 12 bytes with value 0xFF is sent. This is used as a synchronization frame to detect frame boundary.
The padding bits with value '0' shall be checked each time a frame is received: if the padding bits are not '0', the receiver is not synchronized on frame boundary anymore and should wait for the next 'all-ones' frame.
The frame represent one received IR pulse. All number are represented in little-endian form. The frame format is:
0 1 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
|SID| nPoly | Width |
| Sync Offset |0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
| Beam Word |0 0 0 0 0 0 0|
| Timestamp |
Note on the nPoly:
(nPoly & 0x20) == 0
, otherwise no polynomial was detected for this pulse.(nPoly / 2) + 1
, channels range from 1 to 16. Channel is also called mode in the Basestation configuration.nPoly & 0x01
The FPGA runs a simple state machine to receive commands form the serial ports. All command contains one command and one argument byte. The Byte 0xFF is a NOP command and an invalid argument so it can be used to reset the command receiver and can be sent to make sure the FPGA is ready to accept commands.
Sets the deck LED state
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| SET_LED |0 0| G | Y | R |
Reset the FPGA and load the bootloader configuration. Allows to access the SPI flash to re-flash a new bitstream or to access or write settings.
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
To build the project you need the Icestorm toolchain. Icestorm, Yosys and Arachne-PNR needs to be installed and in the path.
This project is mainly written in Scala using SpinalHDL. You need to have SBT installed and in the path.
When icestorm and SBT are installed:
This builds the FPGA bitstream. If the timing does not pass, change the nextpnr seed in the makefile until it passes.
The script tools/
can be used to automatically search for a working seed.
Two make target exists to help development: make generate_verilog
generates verilog from scala, make bitstream
only builds the bitstream from
the verilog (useful if the generation was launched from an IDE).
If you have your deck connected to a serial port (be careful to use a 3.0V serial port, 3.3V will damage the deck!), you can use the integrated bootloader to program the deck:
<paht-to-lighthouse-bootloader>/scripts/ /dev/ttyUSB0 lighthouse.bin
script in the tools folder can print decoded frame:
$ ./tools/ /dev/ttyUSB0
Waiting for sync ...
Found sync!
Sensor: 1 TS:5431ed Width: 13d Mode: None SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:128aa
Sensor: 0 TS:543291 Width: 141 Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 28992 BeamWord:1a639
Sensor: 3 TS:5436c4 Width: 147 Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:1f5dc
Sensor: 2 TS:543769 Width: 140 Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:026f3
Sensor: 0 TS:56bcd9 Width: 120 Mode: None SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:1b903
Sensor: 1 TS:56be78 Width: 110 Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 70714 BeamWord:175a5 Azimuth: -30.285°, Elevation: 4.576°
Sensor: 2 TS:56c094 Width: 113 Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:05879
Sensor: 3 TS:56c21a Width: 12a Mode: 1(0) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:1c094
Sensor: 1 TS:5b82f5 Width: 13f Mode: None SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:0debe
Sensor: 0 TS:5b8395 Width: 144 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 28992 BeamWord:11c42
Sensor: 3 TS:5b87c8 Width: 146 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:194c5
Sensor: 2 TS:5b8870 Width: 144 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:19e30
Sensor: 0 TS:5e0dcf Width: 118 Mode: None SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:19864
Sensor: 1 TS:5e0f71 Width: 119 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 70711 BeamWord:1511f Azimuth: -30.290°, Elevation: 4.568°
Sensor: 2 TS:5e1189 Width: 113 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:0d239
Sensor: 3 TS:5e1314 Width: 127 Mode: 1(1) SyncTime: 0 BeamWord:08c31
sends the reset to bootloader command to the FPGA to
reboot it to bootloader. Used together with the bootloader it allows to update
the bitstream when deveopping without having to touch the deck:
$ tools/ /dev/ttyUSB0 && ../lighthouse-bootloader/scripts/ /dev/ttyUSB0 lighthouse.bin
Reset command sent!
Bootloader version 2
flash ID: 0xEF 0x40 0x14 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Comparing first and last 256 bytes ...
Different bitstream, flashing the new one ...
Erasing 64K at 0x00020000
Erasing 64K at 0x00030000
Programming ...
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