bitjson / s18n

Semantic localization for html.
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Semantic Localization – s18n

S18n parses the content of html elements and attributes to extract text for translation. The automatically generated locale file can then be translated into multiple languages and used by s18n to localize the website or application.

This can be particularly powerful for static-generated sites and applications. Gulp users interested in this use-case should see gulp-l10n, which wraps s18n.

s18n vs. i18n

S18n provides a simpler, automated alternative to traditional i18n (internationalization) libraries, in that it doesn't require outfitting application templates and content with underscore (_()) and other i18n functions.


This example uses the s18n CLI. Given the following original.html file:

<img alt="bar">
<foo s18n>baz</foo>

Using the CLI's extract command in the same directory (with default element, attribute, and directive options):

$ s18n extract > 'en.json'

The following locale is saved to en.json:

  "37b51d19": "bar",
  "73feffa4": "baz",
  "acbd18db": "foo"

This locale can be translated – or for testing, s18n mapped to a simulated locale:

$ s18n map 'en.json' > 'fr.json'

Producing fr.json:

  "37b51d19": "bár",
  "73feffa4": "báz",
  "acbd18db": "fóó"

This can then be used to test localization for the original file:

$ s18n 'original.html' -l 'fr.json' > 'translated.html'
<img alt="bár">
<foo s18n>báz</foo>

Command-Line Interface

Please note: some CLI options are not yet implemented for the map command. Pull requests welcome!

To access the CLI system-wide, s18n can be installed globally using npm:

$ npm install -g s18n

For CLI usage information:

$ s18n
$ s18n extract --help
$ s18n localize --help
$ s18n map --help

CLI tests are not currently included in test coverage.

Node API

$ npm install s18n

Extracting the Native Locale

S18n parses html content and extracts strings from selected html elements and attributes. A hash of each string is used to identify it, and all hash-string pairs are stored in a locale object.

s18n.extract(html, [extract options])

The extract method accepts a string of html and (optionally) an extract options object. It returns a locale object.

var s18n = require('s18n');

var html = '<title>foo</title>' +
           '<img alt="bar">' +
           '<foo s18n>baz</foo>';

var locale = s18n.extract(html);

The locale object:

  "acbd18db": "foo",
  "37b51d19": "bar",
  "73feffa4": "baz"

s18n.extractFiles(glob, [extract options]).then(function(locale))

The extractFiles method is asynchronous and accepts a globby glob and an extract options object (optional) and returns a promise. The method asynchronously extracts localizations from each file selected by the glob and combines them into a single locale object.

var s18n = require('s18n');

var htmlFiles = 'src/**/*.html';

var locale = s18n.extractFiles(htmlFiles)

Extract Options

S18n's default extraction options will be ideal for most sites and applications, but advanced customization is possible.


S18n will extract the full contents of all selected elements.


S18n will extract the full contents of all selected attributes.


S18n will extract the full contents of all elements with the following attributes. To localize only elements with an attribute set to a certain value, use an = character between the directive and the necessary value.

By default, the W3C standard translate=yes attribute is honored.


S18n will not extract the contents of any elements with the following attributes. To cancel localization of elements with an attribute set to a certain value, use an = character between the directive and the necessary value.

Cancelers take precedence over any setters/selectors.


S18n will completely ignore any elements with the following attributes, canceling localization of all sub-elements. To exclude localization of elements with an attribute set to a certain value, use an = character between the directive and the necessary value.

By default, the W3C standard translate=no attribute is honored.


S18n will extract the full contents of all attributes provided in the attributeSetter attribute.

<meta name="description" content="Friendly description." s18n-attrs="content">
<img src="" title="test" alt="test2" s18n-attrs="src title alt">


S18n will not extract the contents of any attributes provided in the attributeCanceler attribute.

Attribute cancels take precedence over any attribute setters/selectors.

<img src="" title="words" alt="words2" cancel-s18n-attrs="title alt">


S18n will use this algorithm to take the hash of each string. hashAlgorithm accepts any algorithm supported by Node's crypto.createHash() method.


S18n will truncate hashes to this length when indexing strings in the locale object.


S18n will trim whitespace from each string (using javascript's String.prototype.trim()) if this option is set to true. This ensures matching phrases aren't treated as unique strings due to surrounding whitespace.


Based on this option, the extract method returns the extracted locale as a javascript object or as a formatted JSON string.


To localize html, s18n searches through the html for strings in the nativeLocale, replacing them with the localized strings in each locale. S18n only matches strings in locations from which they could have been extracted (between "", '', and ><) to avoid translating unintended strings.

s18n(html, [options])

The s18n method accepts an html string, a nativeLocale, and a locales object of translated locale objects.

Localize Settings

Both the nativeLocale and locale (or locales) settings are required.


The nativeLocale is the locale object returned by the extract() or extractFiles() methods. The s18n() method searches the html for strings in the nativeLocale, and replaces them with translated strings from the locale or locales setting.

locale or locales

The s18n() method requires either the locale or locales setting.


The locale setting accepts a single, translated locale object. When the locale settings is used, s18n() returns a single localized html string. When rewriteLangAttribute is true (default), both nativeLocalId and localeId must be set.

var s18n = require('s18n');
var html = '<html lang="en"><title>foo</title><img alt="bar"><foo s18n>baz</foo></html>';
var settings = {
  nativeLocale: s18n.extract(html),
  nativeLocalId: 'en',
  locale: {
    "acbd18db": "fóó",
    "37b51d19": "bár",
    "73feffa4": "báz"
  localeId: 'accents'

var content = s18n(html, settings);

The content object:

'<html lang="accents"><title>fóó</title><img alt="bár"><foo s18n>báz</foo></html>'

The locales settings accepts a locales object. The locales object keys are locale ids, and the values are their respective locale objects. When the locales settings is used, s18n() returns an object with locale id keys mapped to translated html strings.

var s18n = require('s18n');
var html = '<html lang="en"><title>foo</title><img alt="bar"><foo s18n>baz</foo></html>';
var settings = {
  nativeLocale: s18n.extract(html),
  nativeLocalId: 'en',
  locales: {
    'ac': { "acbd18db": "fóó", "37b51d19": "bár", "73feffa4": "báz" }
    'a2': { "acbd18db": "fó2", "37b51d19": "bá2", "73feffa4": "bá2" }

var content = s18n(html, settings);

The content object:

  'ac': '<html lang="ac"><title>fóó</title><img alt="bár"><foo s18n>báz</foo></html>'
  'a2': '<html lang="a2"><title>fó2</title><img alt="bá2"><foo s18n>bá2</foo></html>'


When rewriteLangAttribute is true, the s18n method will replace nativelLocaleId with localeId in all html lang attributes. To make s18n output a lang attribute with the nativelLocaleId value, use the s18n-lock-lang attribute in the native html.

<html lang="en">English speakers often use the word <code s18n-lock-lang="en">do</code>.</html>
<html lang="de">Englisch-Lautsprecher verwenden oft das Wort <code lang="en">do</code>.</html>


The language code of the native document.


The language code of the locale being used to localize the document.

Testing Localization

Map, options)

var s18n = require('s18n');

var locale = {
  "acbd18db": "foo",
  "37b51d19": "bar"

var test =, { dictionary: 'accents' });

// test =>
  "acbd18db": "fóó",
  "37b51d19": "bár"


s18n.compareLocales(localeA, localeB, [options])

s18n.formatLocale(locale, [options])


output (string)

Options: string, object

Default: object


The default Gulp task watches all files and runs tests and code coverage.

$ npm install -g gulp
$ gulp


This module strives to maintain passing tests with 100% coverage in every commit, and tests are run pre-commit. If you prefer, you can always skip this check with git commit --no-verify and squash WIP commits for pull requests later.

If you're unsure or would like help writing tests or getting to 100% coverage, please don't hesitate to open up a pull request so others can help!


Thanks to Stephen Pair of bitpay/translations for some of the architectural inspiration behind s18n. This module builds on the idea of using truncated hashes as identifiers for translatable strings, rather than manually developed indexes.