bitmovin / bitmovin-api-sdk-examples

Set of encoding workflow examples highlighting the use of the Bitmovin API SDKs
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Bitmovin API SDK Examples Header

This repository provides examples demonstrating usage of the
Bitmovin API SDKs in different programming languages.


💡 Getting started

You'll need an active Bitmovin API key for these examples to work.

Don't have an account yet? Sign up for a free Bitmovin trial plan!

If you are new to the topic, we suggest reading our tutorial Understanding the Bitmovin Encoding Object Model to get a basic idea of the building blocks that make up an encoding.

For instructions how to set up the configuration environment and run examples, consult the file in the subfolder for your preferred programming language.

For full documentation of all available API endpoints, see the Bitmovin API reference.


More examples?

For more code snippets, and sometimes complete scripts, please have a look at our tutorials and our Community pages

Encoding Templates

C# - Go - Java - TS/JS - PHP (not working) - Python

This example shows how to do a Per-Title encoding with default manifests with a single configuration file. A Per-Title encoding automatically detects the optimal codec settings for your video assets.

Visit to get an insight what Per-Title encoding is and how it works.

Required configuration parameters:

Fixed Bitrate Ladder Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to create multiple MP4 renditions in a single encoding, using a fixed resolution- and bitrate ladder.

Required configuration parameters:

Generating Default Manifests

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to create basic DASH and HLS manifests for an encoding. Default manifests will try include all the encoding's features that are supported by the respective manifest type.

Required configuration parameters:

Per-Title Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example shows how to do a Per-Title encoding with default manifests. A Per-Title encoding automatically detects the optimal codec settings for your video assets.

Visit to get an insight what Per-Title encoding is and how it works.

Required configuration parameters:

Multi Codec Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example showcases how to run a multi-codec workflow following the best practices.

Required configuration parameters:

Multi-language Broadcast TS Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how multiple audio streams can be included in a BroadcastTS muxing. BroadcastTS muxings are MPEG transport stream muxings which allow setting custom properties such as PCR interval and PIDs for transmission to traditional broadcast targets like set top boxes, QAM streamers and similar devices. This muxing is not generally used for streaming to IP devices such as browsers, iOS, or Android devices.

Required configuration parameters:

Applying Filters

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to apply filters to a video stream. Filters will manipulate the content of a stream, e.g. remove noise or add a watermark image. See the Encoding Filters API Reference for a complete list of available filters.

Required configuration parameters:

Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI)

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to create multiple fMP4 renditions with Server Side Ad Insertion (SSAI).

Required configuration parameters:

Batch Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to efficiently execute a large batch of encodings in parallel. In order to keep the startup time for each encoding to a minimum, it is advisable to constantly have some encodings queued. Encodings will therefore be started in a way to maintain a constant queue size.

Required configuration parameters:


Java - TS/JS - Python

This example demonstrates how to use the Bitmovin CDN Streaming storage to distribute your assets to end users.

Required configuration parameters:

Multiple Inputs Concatenation

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to use concatenation and trimming to combine multiple input files into a single output. This script is the full version of the script documented in the tutorial on concatenation and trimming

Required configuration parameters:

HDR SDR Conversion

Python - Java - TS/JS

This example demonstrates how to convert dynamic range format between DolbyVision, HDR10, HLG and SDR.

The supported HDR/SDR conversions are as follows. If the target output format is either DolbyVision, HDR10 or HLG, this example adds SDR renditions automatically. This example works only with Bitmovin Encoder version 2.98.0 or later.

Required configuration parameters:

If you want to load a DolbyVision metadata as a sidecar XML file, the following parameter also needs to be specified. If that parameter is not provided for a DolbyVision encoding, the example assumes the corresponding metadata is embedded into the DolbyVision input mezzanine file itself.

Content Protection

Applying CENC DRM Content Protection

C# - Go - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example shows how DRM content protection can be applied to a fragmented MP4 muxing. DRM is used to prevent playback on unauthorized devices (piracy) and requires integration with a key server. The encryption is configured to be compatible with both FairPlay and Widevine, using the MPEG Common Encryption standard.

Required configuration parameters:

Applying DRM Content Protection with SPEKE

Java - TS/JS - Python

This example builds on the previous one, but shows how keys for DRM content protection can be obtained from a SPEKE server, and adds FairPlay DRM. Manifests are built from scratch, with DASH for CENC protected outputs, and HLS for FairPlay

Required configuration parameters:

Optional Parameters

Audio Manipulations

A set of examples that demonstrate how to perform audio stream and channel manipulations. They are provided as illustrations of the [tutorial on audio manipulations] (

Simple Handling - Implicit Mapping

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates the simplest mechanism to include a stereo audio stream in an output MP4, from an input file containing a stereo audio stream (and a video stream), with the use of a single IngestInputStream.

Required configuration parameters:

Simple Handling - Distinct Input Files

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to combine and map audio streams from multiple input files into a single output MP4 file with multiple audio streams/tracks, with multiple IngestInputStreams.

Required configuration parameters:

Channel Mixing - Swapping Channels

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to swap 2 audio channels from a stereo input, using a simple AudioMixInputStream configuration.

Required configuration parameters:

Channel Mixing - Downmixing

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates one mechanism to downmix a 5.1 stream down to 2.0. It uses an advanced AudioMixInputStream configuration with gain adjusted on each input channel.

Required configuration parameters:

Stream Mapping - Mono Input Tracks

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates one mechanism to create single output tracks from multiple mono input tracks, using multiple IngestInputStreams (by position in the source), and mapping them to output channels (by type).

Required configuration parameters:

Stream Merging - Background Audio

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example demonstrates how to merge multiple stereo streams (from a single file, but this can easily be extended to select them from separate input files), adjusting gain on the second stream to turn it into a background effect.

Required configuration parameters:

Live Encoding

RTMP Live Encoding

C# - Java - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example shows how to configure and start a live encoding using default DASH and HLS manifests. For more information see:

Required configuration parameters:

RTMP Live HD Encoding

Java - C# - TS/JS - PHP - Python

This example shows how to configure and start a live encoding with HD option using default DASH and HLS manifests. For more information see:

Required configuration parameters:

SRT Live Encoding


This example shows how to configure and start a live encoding using default DASH and HLS manifests. For more information see:

Required configuration parameters:

SRT Live Encoding with HLS, SCTE-35 and SSAI


This example shows how to configure and start a live encoding using a default HLS manifests with SCTE-35 AdMarker settings For more information see:

Required configuration parameters:

SRT Live Encoding HLS with Azure Speech To Captions Filter


This example shows how to configure and start a live encoding using a default HLS manifests with Azure Speech Services - Speech to captions feature to transcribe an audio stream in real-time. For more information see:

Required configuration parameters:

Configuration Parameters

These are the parameters that need to be supplied for the examples to work. They can be defined in a file, set as environment variables or passed directly to the run-example script.

Note! See the of the API SDK examples in your preferred programming language on how to configure parameters.

BITMOVIN_API_KEY - Your API key for the Bitmovin API

BITMOVIN_TENANT_ORG_ID - The ID of the Organisation in which you want to perform the encoding. Only required if working with a multi-tenant account.

HTTP_INPUT_HOST - The Hostname or IP address of the HTTP server hosting your input files Example:

HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH - The path to your input file on the HTTP host Example: videos/1080p_Sintel.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_BUMPER_FILE_PATH - The path to your input file on the provided HTTP server to be concatenated before HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH Example: videos/bumper.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_PROMO_FILE_PATH - The path to your input file on the provided HTTP server to be concatenated after HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH Example: videos/promo.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_AUDIO_FILE_PATH - The path to your audio input file on the provided HTTP server. It's used when you want to load audio stream from a separated input file. Example: audio/aac.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_DOLBY_VISION_METADATA_FILE_PATH - The path to your DolbyVision metadata file. This parameter is required only when using a DolbyVision input file with a separated sidecar XML metadata file.

HDR_CONVERSION_INPUT_FORMAT - The input dynamic range format. Either DolbyVision, HDR10, HLG, or SDR can be specified. This parameter needs to be matched with the actual dynamic range format of the input file. Example: DolbyVision, HDR10, HLG, SDR.

HDR_CONVERSION_OUTPUT_FORMAT - The output dynamic range format to be converted from the input file. If the input dynamic range is DolbyVision, the supported output dynamic range format is either DolbyVision, HDR10 or SDR. If the input dynamic range is HDR10, the supported output dynamic range format is either HDR10, HLG or SDR. If the input dynamic range is HLG, the supported output dynamic range format is either HDR10, HLG or SDR. If the input dynamic range is SDR, the supported output dynamic range format is either HDR10, HLG or SDR. Example: DolbyVision, HDR10, HLG, SDR.

HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH_STEREO_SOUND - the path to a file containing a video with a single audio stereo stream Example: videos/1080p_Sintel_Stereo.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH_SURROUND_SOUND - the path and filename for a file containing a video with a 5.1 audio stream Example: videos/1080p_Sintel_Surround.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH_MULTIPLE_MONO_AUDIO_TRACKS - the path to a file containing a video with multiple mono audio tracks Example: videos/1080p_Sintel_8_Mono_Audio_Tracks.mp4

HTTP_INPUT_FILE_PATH_TWO_STEREO_TRACKS - the path to a file containing a video with 2 stereo tracks Example: videos/1080p_Sintel_Two_Stereos.mp4

S3_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME - The name of your S3 output bucket
Example: my-s3-bucket-name

S3_OUTPUT_ACCESS_KEY - The access key of your S3 output bucket

S3_OUTPUT_SECRET_KEY - The secret key of your S3 output bucket

S3_OUTPUT_BASE_PATH - The base path on your S3 output bucket where content will be written
Example: /outputs

WATERMARK_IMAGE_PATH - The path to the watermark image

TEXT_FILTER_TEXT - The text to be displayed by the text filter

DRM_KEY - 16 byte encryption key, represented as 32 hexadecimal characters
Example: cab5b529ae28d5cc5e3e7bc3fd4a544d

DRM_FAIRPLAY_IV - 16 byte initialization vector, represented as 32 hexadecimal characters
Example: 08eecef4b026deec395234d94218273d

DRM_FAIRPLAY_URI - URI of the licensing server
Example: skd://userspecifc?custom=information

DRM_WIDEVINE_KID - 16 byte encryption key id, represented as 32 hexadecimal characters
Example: 08eecef4b026deec395234d94218273d

DRM_WIDEVINE_PSSH - Base64 encoded PSSH payload
Example: QWRvYmVhc2Rmc2FkZmFzZg==

DRM_CONTENT_ID - An optional content ID used to register the DRM keys with the SPEKE provider
Example: my-content-id

DRM_KEY_ID - An optional 16-byte hex key ID used to refer to a key stored in the DRM provider system (in particular with SPEKE)
Example: d94238436e2fe421a27a7d5dd3d26f31

SPEKE_URL - The URL of the SPEKE server

SPEKE_ARN - For AWS IAM authentication, the role ARN for the user providing access to the SPEKE server
Example: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/speke_role_assumption

SPEKE_GATEWAY_REGION - For AWS IAM authentication, the AWS Gateway region hosting the SPEKE server
Example: eu-west-1

SPEKE_USERNAME - For basic authentication with the SPEKE server

SPEKE_PASSWORD - For basic authentication with the SPEKE server

AZURE_SPEECH_SERVICES_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY - The Azure Speech Services subscription key

AZURE_SPEECH_SERVICES_REGION - The Azure Speech Services region Example: westus

You may also add your own parameters in your configuration. The ConfigProvider class in each example offers a generic function to get the value of the parameter by its name.