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Guide to Integrated Marketing Campaigns (IMCs)

Table of Contents


What is an IMC?

From workshops and tutorials presented by students to massive livestreamed webinars hosted by professors and industry professionals, Bit Project's mission is to provide our student community with the resources they need to successfully implement any project they envision.

Integrated Marketing Campaigns (IMCs) channel Bit Project's multiple teams, resources, and communication platforms to empower our student community to develop valuable technical education content.

Designers, developers, editors, and engineerings all come together to build collaborative and interactive learning experiences

Upcoming IMCs

Fighting COVID19 w/ APIs

Teaching w/ Data Science

8 Week Structure

Our organization works on educational content development by developing 8-week IMCs from ideation to post-production. The 8 week structure provides developers a way to find like-minded peers and create large scale education content together. Each developer creates blog tutorials about their own coding projects and the team works together under a Project Manager to build and promote a webinar to demonstrate the projects.

Below is a guide to the 8 week structure.

Week 0: Proposals

:hatching_chick: ==President== IMC Proposal

:pushpin: Open IMC Proposal Issue

Proposals - Goal: PM your own IMC - All PMs and directors are expected to identify IMC topics and discuss to their supervisors - Not all ideas will be used - Being more involved in IMC topic generation will likely mean you can PM something you're really interested in - Coming up with your own IMC Proposals - Check for existing blogs - Gage demand and interests - What is something you want to work on? - What do you need to make this happen? - What if many people want to do the same IMC? - Most IMCs will be popular and can be repeated - Instead of having large IMC teams, it's best to schedule another IMC Proposal for that topic for the future and ask devs to wait until then

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== IMC Team Building

:pineapple: ==Everyone== Research

Schedule - **[Monday]** Announce IMC - Make announcements in all relevant channels - **[Wednesday]** Hold AMA Social - Allow devs to ask you questions and use this opporutnity to sell your idea to them - **[Friday]** Reach IMC team size goal - Prepare for devs to leave the group if they don't like the topic - Case: 0 devs if enough content exists - Case: 3-5 devs typically - Case: 5+ devs rare cases of popular IMCs (better to break them down)

Week 1: Planning Phase

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== Create IMC Plan

:pushpin: Open Content Development Proposal (CDP) Issues :pushpin: Open IMC Plan Issue :pushpin: Open Weekly 1:1 Issue

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== Collect Resource Requests

Check airtable

:pineapple: ==Developer Relations Team== Create Tech Content Dev Plan :pineapple: ==Developer Relations Team== Begin Development

:pineapple: ==Marketing Growth Team== Create IMC Growth Plan

:pineapple: ==Marketing Content Team== Receive Content Requests :pineapple: ==Marketing Content Team== Schedule Content Production

Schedule - **Monday** IMC Development Meeting - Complete outlining IMC Plan Issue - Set up all 1:1s - **Friday** Complete all 1:1s

Week 2: Development Phase

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== Create Webinar Slidedeck :pineapple: ==Project Managers== Secure Speakers

:pineapple: ==Developer Relations Team== Build Code :pineapple: ==Developer Relations Team== + ==Marketing Growth Team== Begin Testing


Week 3: Quality Assurance (QA) Phase

:pineapple: ==Developer Relations Team== + ==Marketing Growth Team== Develop Code Tutorial Blog

:pineapple: ==QA== Approve Content for Publication


Week 4: Publishing Phase

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== Publish Slidedeck

:pineapple: ==Social Media Team== Publish Content

:pineapple: ==Marketing Growth Team== Execute Growth Plan


Week 5: Practice Phase

:pineapple: ==Project Managers== Practice Runs w/ Guest Hosts


Week 6: Production Phase

:pineapple: Host Webinar


Week 7: Retrospective Phase

:pineapple: Led by ==People Team== :pineapple: Involves ==Everyone==


Submitting Content for IMCs