This is a tool to convert your cryptocurrency trade history to the K4 documents needed for tax reporting to Skatteverket.
Using is currently the only supported way to import trades. This site does not yet support doing tax reports using average cost basis which is what is required in Sweden but it is still very useful for the actual trade data import.
Besides adding support for average cost basis this script can also generate files which are compatible with Skatteverket. There is either PDF output for printing and sending by mail or SRU-output which can be imported on
Please consider supporting the development of this tool by either using the referral link to or by donating to one of the adresses below. Using the referral link will give you a 10% discount if you decide to buy a Pro or Unlimited account.
A common mistake is to forget to report the conversion to/from Euro which the bank does when transfering to an exchange such as Kraken/Bitstamp. There should be a trade between SEK and EUR on cointracking to make sure that there are EUR available when later exchanging it to crypto.
Withdrawals/Deposits are ignored for the tax report as these are assumed to be transfers of funds between wallets owned by you.
If you have other types of income in crypto this isn't handled by the script yet.
Adding new rules for handling more situations shouln't be that hard as long as it is easy to define the cost basis for an income and what the price should be when selling crypto. You can add feature requests and if it isn't to complicated I'll try to add it to the script, or you can submit a pull request.
The sru format is currently limited in that it doesn't allow decimals, this is a limitation with The recommendation from Skatteverket is to round to whole numbers even if that results in 0 BTC or similar being reported and then report what roundings have been done under Övriga Upplysningar.
The script can now generate a rounding report which can be pasted in Övriga Upplysningar. Skatteverket limits the size of this field to 999 characters so it is best to combine this with doing a simplified K4 report to reduce the number of lines which has to be reported in the K4.
I'm not taking any responsibility for that this tool will generate a correct tax report. I am using the tool for my own tax reporting though so making it correct is a priority to me. You will however have to take responsibility yourself for the tax report you send to Skatteverket, this means you should perform a sanity check of some sort on the generated K4 documents to make sure it looks reasonable.
There is a packaged version for Windows under releases which can be used.
Change the example command lines below from python
instead if using it.
There is a packaged version for macOS under releases which can be used.
Change the example command lines below from python
instead if using it.
Python 3.6 is required.
The following python packages are needed for pdf generation.
Python virtualenv can be setup using
virtualenv venv -p python3.6
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This file should have the following format. Make sure to save the file in UTF-8 format. On Windows you can install Notepad++ to make this easier.
"namn": "Full name",
"personnummer": "YYYYMMDD-NNNN",
"postnummer": "NNNNN",
"postort": "City"
To get the data for this file you first need to have your complete trade history
on Then go to the
Trade Prices-page and download a CSV report (comma separated version) from that
page and store it atdata/trades.csv
If you have any stock trades which need to be reported in section A on the K4 then you can
enter them in data/stocks.json
. See data/stocks_template.json
for the format.
usage: [-h] [--trades TRADES] [--out OUT] [--format {pdf,sru}]
[--exclude-groups [EXCLUDE_GROUPS [EXCLUDE_GROUPS ...]]]
[--coin-report] [--simplified-k4] [--rounding-report]
[--rounding-report-threshold ROUNDING_REPORT_THRESHOLD]
Swedish cryptocurrency tax reporting script
positional arguments:
year Tax year to create report for
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--trades TRADES Read trades from csv file
--out OUT Output folder
--format {pdf,sru} The file format of the generated report
--decimal-sru Report decimal amounts in sru mode (not supported by
Skatteverket yet)
--exclude-groups [EXCLUDE_GROUPS [EXCLUDE_GROUPS ...]]
Exclude cointracking group from report
--coin-report Generate report of remaining coins and their cost
basis at end of year
--simplified-k4 Generate simplified K4 with only two line per coin
type (aggregated profit and loss).
--rounding-report Generate report of roundings done which can be pasted
in Ovriga Upplysningar, the file will be put in the
out folder.
--rounding-report-threshold ROUNDING_REPORT_THRESHOLD
The number of percent difference required for an
amount to be included in the report.
--cointracking-usd Use this flag if you have configured cointracking
calculate prices in USD. Conversion from USD to SEK
will then be done by this script instead.
--max-overdraft MAX_OVERDRAFT
The maximum overdraft to allow for each coin, at the
event of an overdraft the coin balance will be set to
python 2017 --simplified-k4
Generated sru files can be found in the out
Generated sru files can be tested for errors at []
python 2017 --simplified-k4 --rounding-report --rounding-report-threshold=1
Generated sru files and the rounding report can be found in the out
Generated sru files can be tested for errors at []
python --format=pdf 2017
Generated pdf files can be found in the out
Merging the pdf files can be done with Ghostscript. It might make printing a bit easier.
cd out
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf k4_no*.pdf