bitstrings / nbm-maven

Fork of nbm-maven-plugin ->
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 0 forks source link
NOTE: Since the codehaus merge 3.13.2 the plugin requires JDK 1.7.
NOTE: For people using NetBeans or just want to use this plugin with the codehaus groupId see org.codehaus.mojo:nbm-maven-plugin.
Q. What is the difference?
A. The only differences are the plugin groupId and the wiring.
NetBeans IDE explicitly interacts with org.codehaus.mojo:nbm-maven-plugin, it is in fact hardcoded.

You might want to check out coming changes: Here



Fork of the codehaus nbm-maven repository -->

This fork mainly exists to add missing features to the webstart goal of the org.codehaus.mojo:nbm-maven-plugin.

The versioning scheme


The code base is always the codehaus nbm maven plugin of the same version. (I am aware of the project structure weirdness)


nbm-maven-plugin home -->

Added Features



Will be available through Maven Central.

NOTICE the groupId is org.bitstrings.maven.plugins.



Goal nbm:webstart-app

Added Parameters

Parameters Type Description
signWar boolean If true the Web Archive (war) will be signed.
Default: false
User Property: nbm.webstart.signWar
Since: 3.11
generateJnlpApplicationTemplate boolean If true, create JNLP-INF/APPLICATION_TEMPLATE.JNLP from the jnlp. See
User Property: nbm.webstart.generateJnlpApplicationTemplate
Since: 3.11
signingThreads integer The number of threads that should be used to sign the jars. If set to zero (0) it will be set to the number of processors.
Default: 0
User Property: nbm.signing.threads
Since: 3.11
signingMaximumThreads integer The number of maximum threads that should be used to sign the jars. If set to zero (0) there will be no limit.
Default: 0
User Property: nbm.signing.maxthreads
Since: 3.11.1-4
signingForce boolean If true, force signing of the jar file even if it doesn't seem to be out of date or already signed.
Default: true
User Property: nbm.signing.force
Since: 3.11
signingTsaCert String Alias in the keystore for a timestamp authority for timestamped JAR files.
User Property: nbm.signing.tsacert
Since: 3.11
signingTsaUrl String URL for a timestamp authority for timestamped JAR files.
User Property: nbm.signing.tsaurl
Since: 3.11
signingRetryCount Integer Number of retries before giving up if some connection problem occur while TSA signing (TSA URL).
Default: 5
User Property: nbm.signing.retryCount
Since: 3.11
signingRemoveExistingSignatures boolean Remove any existing signature from the jar before signing.
Default: false
User Property: nbm.signing.removeExistingSignatures
Since: 3.11
signingMaxMemory String Set the maximum memory for the jar signer.
Default: 96m
User Property: nbm.signing.maxMemory
Since: 3.11
webappResources List<Resource> Resources that should be included in the web archive (war).
Since: 3.11
autoManifestSecurityEntries boolean Automatically populate the manifest with security attributes based on the master JNLP configuration. Should be set to true unless you explicitly use <jarsConfig> and the correct manifest entries.
Default: true
Since: 3.11.1
jarsConfigs List<JarsConfig> Specific configuration for Jars.
Since: 3.11.1
applicationName String The application name which can be used as metadata. It is also used for the Application-Name manifest attribute value (if autoManifestSecurityEntries is enabled).
Default: The jnlp information/title or the branding token.
Since: 3.11.1-1
includeLocales String Comma seperated locales, i.e.: ja.
Special values: * for all locales and none for well, no locales.
*Default: `** <br/>**Since:3.14`**
optimize boolean Try to optimize the generated content for minimal loading time and size.
Default: false
Since: 3.14
verifyJnlp boolean Verify generated webstartable content.
Default: true
Since: 3.11.1-2
validateJnlpDtd boolean Online JNLP schema validation.
Default: true
Since: 3.11.1-2

Webapp Resources


Same as Maven build/resources.


This is useful to add icons for example:


Resources are placed relative to the root and may be referenced in the jnlp:

<jnlp spec="6.0+" codebase="${jnlp.codebase}" href="${}.jnlp">


        <icon kind="shortcut" href=""/>



Jars Configuratons


            <permissions/> <!-- sandbox or all-permissions (default: jnlp) -->
            <codebase/> <!-- used to restrict the code base of the JAR to specific domains. You may use *. (default: *)-->
            <trustedOnly/> <!-- true or false (default: true) -->
            <trustedLibrary/> <!-- true or false (default: true) -->
            <removeClassPath/> <!-- true or false (default: true) -->
        <removeExistingSignatures/> <!-- true or false (default: true) -->
        <jarSet> <!-- not using any set will apply to all jars -->
                <include/> <!-- ant style pattern -->
                <exclude/> <!-- ant style pattern -->


Standard Maven includes/excludes syntax. If no <jarSet> is defined then all jars all selected.

The source base directory is relative to the NetBeans application directory.


Parameters Type Description
permissions String Used to verify that the permissions level requested by the RIA when it runs matches the permissions level that was set when the JAR file was created. Manifest attribute: Permissions.
Values: sandbox,all-permissions
Since: 3.11.1
codebase String Used to restrict the code base of the JAR to specific domains. Manifest attribute: Codebase.
Since: 3.11.1
trustedOnly boolean Used to restrict the code base of the JAR to specific domains. Manifest attribute: Trusted-Only.
Since: 3.11.1
trustedLibrary boolean Used to restrict the code base of the JAR to specific domains. Manifest attribute: Trusted-Library.
Since: 3.11.1
applicationName String The application name. Manifest attribute: Application-Name.
Since: 3.11.1-1
applicationLibraryAllowableCodebase String Identifies the locations where your signed RIA is expected to be found. Manifest attribute: Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase.
Since: 3.11.1-1
callerAllowableCodebase String Identify the domains from which JavaScript code can make calls to your RIA. Manifest attribute: Caller-Allowable-Codebase.
Since: 3.11.1-1
extraAttributes Map Extra manifest main attributes.
Since: 3.11.1



    <name1>value1</name1> <!-- attribute name/value -->
    <name2>value2</name2> <!-- attribute name/value -->

JNLP Application Template


The APPLICATION_TEMPLATE.JNLP is based on the JNLP. Only the codebase and href values are replaced by *.

The file is placed inside the startup.jar.


                <additionalArguments>-J-Xms384m -J-Xmx800m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -J-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true</additionalArguments>
                <additionalArguments>-J-Xms384m -J-Xmx800m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -J-Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true</additionalArguments>
                <applicationName>The Application Name</applicationName>