bittib010 / HexMarksTheSpot

App to visualize where and what your file consists of with interactive touch to learn and find what you need from it.
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HexMarksTheSpot: Advanced Hex File Analysis and Annotation


HexMarksTheSpot is a Python-based application engineered to offer an intuitive yet sophisticated environment for hex-level file analysis and annotation. The platform is designed for both novice and experienced users, serving as a facilitative tool for manual file validation and educational exploration.

Example screenshot:



Core Functionalities

Known Limitations

Future Enhancements

Contributing: Let's Build This Together

HexMarksTheSpot was born out of the need for a user-friendly, yet powerful, platform for hex-level file analysis and annotation. As we venture deeper into the realm of digital forensics, cybersecurity, and data analysis, the complexities and varieties of file formats and structures continue to grow exponentially. A single team or individual can only cover so much ground.

That's where you come in.

Your expertise and contributions can help make HexMarksTheSpot a comprehensive tool that serves a broad community of users, from students to professionals. Whether it's adding support for a new file artifact, improving parsing algorithms, or enhancing the user interface, your contributions are not just welcome—they are essential.

By pooling our collective knowledge and skills, we can transform HexMarksTheSpot into a community-driven platform that sets new standards in file analysis and annotation. If you're interested in contributing, please do so - meanwhile I'll try my best to create a contribution guide that makes sense even for beginners in python and forensics.

Let's make HexMarksTheSpot not just a tool, but a community resource.

Workflow Diagrams

General Workflow

graph TD
  A[Start] --> B{Open File}
  B --> |Success| C{Check File Type}
  B --> |Failure| J[Throw Cannot open file]
  C --> |SQLite| D[Create SQLiteFileParser]
  C --> |PNG| E[Create PNGFileParser]
  C --> |Other| K[Throw Unknown file type]
  D --> F{Parse Chunk of File into Node}
  E --> F
  F --> |Success| G{Add Node to Children}
  F --> |Failure| L[Throw Error parsing file]
  G --> H{Print Node Info}
  H --> I{Print Node Data if Full Chunk}
  I --> M{File End?}
  M --> |No| F
  M --> |Yes| N[End]

SQLite Workflow

graph TD;
    A[Start] --> B[Read SQLite Page];
    B --> C{Is it the first page?};

    C -->|Yes| D1[Parse Header Fields];
    D1 --> B;

    C -->|No| E{Is autovacuum != 0 and page_counter == 2?};
    E -->|Yes| B;

    E -->|No| F{Check page type};
    F -->|btree| G[Parse b-tree];
    F -->|lockbyte| H[Process lockbyte];
    F -->|overflow| I[Process overflow];
    F -->|freelist| J[Process freelist];
    F -->|ptrmap| K[Process ptrmap];

    G --> B;
    H --> B;
    I --> B;
    J --> B;
    K --> B;