The official Bitwarden .NET library, supporting .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+, and .NET Framework 4.6.2+.
dotnet add package Passwordless
Integration packages:
💡 See the full Getting started guide in the official documentation.
Add Passwordless to your service container:
// In Program.cs or Startup.cs
services.AddPasswordlessSdk(options =>
options.ApiSecret = "your_api_secret";
options.ApiKey = "your_api_key";
Inject the client into your controller:
public class HomeController(IPasswordlessClient passwordlessClient) : Controller
// ...
Define an action or an endpoint to generate a registration token:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetRegisterToken(string alias)
// Get existing userid from session or create a new user in your database
var userId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// Provide the userid and an alias to link to this user
var payload = new RegisterOptions(userId, alias)
// Optional: Link this userid to an alias (e.g. email)
Aliases = [alias]
var tokenRegistration = await passwordlessClient.CreateRegisterTokenAsync(payload);
// Return this token to the frontend
return Ok(tokenRegistration);
catch (PasswordlessApiException e)
return new JsonResult(e.Details)
StatusCode = (int?)e.StatusCode,
Define an action or an endpoint to verify an authentication token:
public async Task<IActionResult> VerifyAuthenticationToken(string token)
var verifiedUser = await passwordlessClient.VerifyTokenAsync(token);
// Sign the user in, set a cookie, etc
return Ok(verifiedUser);
catch (PasswordlessApiException e)
return new JsonResult(e.Details)
StatusCode = (int?)e.StatusCode