bitwarden / sdk

Bitwarden SDK.
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Bitwarden SDK

This repository houses the Bitwarden SDKs. We currently provide a public Secrets Manager SDK and an internal SDK for the Bitwarden Password Manager which is used for the native mobile applications. The SDK is written in Rust and provides a Rust API, CLI and various language bindings.


The password manager SDK is not intended for public use and is not supported by Bitwarden at this stage. It is solely intended to centralize the business logic and to provide a single source of truth for the internal applications. As the SDK evolves into a more stable and feature complete state we will re-evaluate the possibility of publishing stable bindings for the public. The password manager interface is unstable and will change without warning.

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Getting Started

cargo build


The project is structured as a monorepo using cargo workspaces. Some of the more noteworthy crates are:


To minimize the amount of work required to support additional bindings the project is structured around a json based API. With every binding only needing to implement one method, namely run_command.

To ensure type safety in the API, json schemas are generated from the rust structs in bitwarden using schemars. The json schemas are later used to generate the API bindings for each language using QuickType.

npm run schemas

API Bindings

We autogenerate the server bindings using openapi-generator. To do this we first need to build the internal swagger documentation.

Swagger generation

The first step is to generate the swagger documents from the server repository.

# src/Api
dotnet swagger tofile --output ../../api.json ./bin/Debug/net8.0/Api.dll internal

# src/Identity
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=development dotnet swagger tofile --output ../../identity.json ./bin/Debug/net8.0/Identity.dll v1

OpenApi Generator

To generate a new version of the bindings run the following script from the root of the SDK project.


This project uses customized templates which lives in the support/openapi-templates directory. These templates resolves some outstanding issues we've experienced with the rust generator. But we strive towards modifying the templates as little as possible to ease future upgrades.

Note: If you don't have the nightly toolchain installed, the script will install it for you.

Developer tools

This project recommends the use of certain developer tools, and also includes configurations for them to make developers lives easier. The use of these tools is optional and they might require a separate installation step.

The list of developer tools is:

Cargo fmt

We use certain unstable features for formatting which require the nightly version of cargo-fmt.

To install:

rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly

To run:

cargo +nightly fmt


Code contributions are welcome! Please commit any pull requests against the main branch. Learn more about how to contribute by reading the Contributing Guidelines. Check out the Contributing Documentation for how to get started with your first contribution.

Security audits and feedback are welcome. Please open an issue or email us privately if the report is sensitive in nature. You can read our security policy in the file. We also run a program on HackerOne.

No grant of any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or logos of Bitwarden is made (except as may be necessary to comply with the notice requirements as applicable), and use of any Bitwarden trademarks must comply with Bitwarden Trademark Guidelines.