bitwiseshiftleft / factorio-router

Factorio mod for circuit-conttrolled routers
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Circuit-controlled router

Development version

Please note that this is a development release, and the mod may see significant changes, possibly requiring a rebuild of your router network.


This mod introduces two types of circuit-controlled belt routers for moving items around your base. These buildings act somewhat like 4-way splitters, with belts of items going into them and coming out of them.

However, there are several important differences to splitters:

Manual routers (currently disabled)

Manual routers are currently in a rougher state than smart ones, and are disabled.

Manual routers are controlled by a constant combinator on each port. Every item signaled as >0 on that port will be accepted. If the default signal default_signal_icon is set on a port, then it will also receive any items that are not accepted by other ports. Using the "rotate" key on a port will toggle the default signal.

Manual routers do not have any form of priority. An item is either requested by a port, or it is not.

Smart routers and I/O terminals

The screenshot shows a simple network which uses smart routers to direct the manufacturing of blue chips. First the green-chip station requests iron and copper; the red-chip station requests copper, plastic and green chips; the blue-chip station requests green chips, red chips, iron, sulfur and water barrels (to make sulfuric acid), and the barrel-filler station requests empty barrels. Finally, a station at the left requests the blue chips. All of these are routed automatically through the network.

smart router screenshot

Smart routers and I/O terminals are designed to form a network, routing items from terminals that provide them to terminals that request them. The routers and the terminals form a network connected by green wires. When two smart routers are connected together, their port lights will turn from red to green, and when a router port is connected to a terminal, the router's port light will turn blue.

Each terminal has a set of items it requests. You can adjust this using the constant combinator that's integrated into the terminal, or through the circuit network. External request signals must be connected to terminal body strictly by green wire. The terminal can also set the threshold at which it starts providing items, which is useful for adjusting its priority.

Smart routers use a fancy communication protocol over the green wires. It is recommended not to add your own signals to these. The routers also track how many items have been from one smart router to another, so that they don't send too many. It is therefore important not to divert these items, either with splitters or by picking them up off the belt.

Since the circuit network doesn't update instantaneously, it is possible that slightly too many of an item will be sent. Reducing this problem is part of the purpose of the request threshold threshold_signal_igon. If extra items are sent, they would normally have nowhere to go, and so would clog up the network until someone requests them. However, extra items can be sent to buffer terminals. Buffer terminals additionally request all types of resources that aren't requested elsewhere, by using the default signal default_signal_icon. Just set default_signal_icon on a terminal to some positive value (say, 100) and any extra items will be routed to that terminal.

I/O terminals automatically connect to adjacent chests (including logistics chests, linked chests and infinity chests, at least if those objects support connections), unless this is disabled in the map settings. They should be connected with a red wire on the chest, connecting to the port/chest connection pole on the terminal (that's the one with the big red/green lightbulb on top).


Smart routers are not very balanced, because they make some types of logistics prolems significantly easier. However, they are fairly expensive and use a lot of power.

How it works

Each router contains several invisible very fast filter inserters, much like with the mod. However, if you place many items on the port's allow-list, then simply setting the inserters' filters wouldn't be enough: inserters can only have up to 5 filters, and any other items in the allow-list would be ignored. So each router also contains a circuit made of invisible combinators to intersect the filters with the items present on the input belts.

Smart routers use extensive circuitry. Each green wire carries the following signals:

The item types participate in a "leaky heat equation": each smart router with N connected ports propagates slightly less than 1/Nth of its demands to each neighboring router. You can imagine that a leaf node demanding e.g. copper is a "heat source" on the copper channel, and then heat propagates throughout the smart router network. The heat leaks out slightly from everywhere in the network, but especially from the edges, which sets up a heat gradient. When a router receives an item, it will be routed in a direction that has above-average heat (= demand) for that item type.

The routers count how many items they are expecting to receive, so that they don't send too many.

Because each router knows how much of each signal it's broadcasting in each direction, it can cancel out the contribution from its own outputs when processing its inputs. This enables all the signals to fit on one green wire.

Performance cost

This mod makes efforts to reduce the UPS cost of routing items, and in particular it doesn't run a script on every tick. However, since this is a complex task the UPS cost cannot be negligible. On my current laptop, a 10x10 array of smart routers with about 30 items requested runs at about 330 UPS when nothing else is going on -- or put another way, it's using 20% of the time budget. I will look for ways to speed this up, but it's unlikely that you will be able to build your entire Pyanodon base on nothing but smart routers.

It is possible that Factorio 2 will enable this mod to have better performance, either by changing what can be connected to the circuit network and how (e.g. by removing the limit on inserter filters), or by allowing this mod to replace several combinators with one smarter one, such as the Decider Combinator 2.0.

The trick of channeling everything over one green wire costs some performance. It is possible that a future version will use hidden connections with multiple wires instead.


The design of routers, and especially smart routers, has many limitations, both inherently and due to my scripting skills. Because they are very complex compound entities, there are likely to be bugs around building, destroying and blueprinting routers. In particular:


This mod should be compatible with:

TODO list

See on the github. Some notable todo items: