bitwiseworks / qpdfview-os2

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GNU General Public License v2.0
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This is the home of the qpdfview port for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems.

qpdfview is a tabbed document viewer using Poppler, libspectre, DjVuLibre, CUPS and Qt, licensed under GPL version 2 or later.

The project homepage is "". The project maintainer is "Adam Reichold".

It depends on libQtCore, libQtGui. It also depends on libQtSvg, libQtSql, libQtDBus, libcups, resp. libz if SVG, SQL, D-Bus, CUPS, resp. SyncTeX support is enabled. It also depends on libmagic if Qt version 4 is used and libmagic support is enabled. The PDF plug-in depends on libQtCore, libQtXml, libQtGui and libpoppler-qt4 or libpoppler-qt5. The PS plug-in depends on libQtCore, libQtGui and libspectre. The DjVu plug-in depends on libQtCore, libQtGui and libdjvulibre. The Fitz plug-in depends on libQtCore, libQtGui and libmupdf.

The Fitz plug-in is currently considered experimental due to the lack of a maintainer. It also lacks support for various features, e.g. meta-data, encryption, text search, text extraction, form fields and annotations.

It is built using "lrelease", "qmake" and "make". It is installed using "make install". The installation paths are defined in "qpdfview.pri".

The following build-time options are available:

For example, if one wants to build the program without support for CUPS and PostScript, one could run "qmake CONFIG+="without_cups without_ps"" instead of "qmake".

The fallback and application-specific icons are derived from the Tango icon theme available at "".