Welcome to GYMPAL (Project 1)
Welcome to "GYMPAL," your ultimate fitness and nutrition companion designed to support you on your journey to self-improvement. Our mission is to empower you with personalized dietary and physical guidance, ensuring you achieve your health goals while embracing any specific health restrictions you might have. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, GYMPAL is here to make your fitness journey enjoyable and successful.
What was your motivation?
We wanted to create a holistic platform that addressed the unique challenges people face in their fitness and nutrition journeys. We believed that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work, and everyone deserves a tailored experience that considers their individual needs and health restrictions.
Why did you build this project?
The creators of "GYMPAL" were inspired by the desire to empower individuals on their journey to self-improvement and well-being.
What problem does it solve?
The primary problem "GYMPAL" solves is the lack of personalized guidance and support in the fitness and nutrition industry. Many individuals struggle to find suitable workout routines and meal plans that align with their specific goals and limitations. "GYMPAL" addresses this issue by offering custom meal plans and targeted workouts, ensuring users receive the right resources to succeed.
What did you learn?
Throughout our journey, we gained valuable skills in harnessing API's to gather user-selected information efficiently. Utilizing this data, we mastered the art of fetching and displaying user-friendly workout and meal plans. To bolster our proficiency, we adeptly employed HTML, creating a strong foundation with attributes and IDs that streamlined our JavaScript and CSS development. Additionally, we grasped the significance of effective teamwork, communicating progress and addressing errors promptly. This experience allowed us to adeptly navigate unforeseen challenges, ensuring seamless project execution.
User Story
AS A new gym goer
I WANT to view custom workout routines and recipes
SO THAT I can have a guide to follow for my personal fitness goals
Intro page:
WHEN I click the get started button
THEN I am taken to the account creation page
Account Creation Page:
WHEN I click the text entry boxes
THEN I can input my data
WHEN I input my date of birth
THEN I am presented with a calendar to select a date
WHEN I enter my email address, DOB, and email
THEN My input is assessed for validity
WHEN I did not fill out the inputs correctly
THEN I am asked to enter the requested inputs
WHEN I input my name, DOB, AND email
THEN I can select any dietary restrictions/needs i have
WHEN I select a muscle group and difficulty
THEN I can click next
WHEN I click next, my information will be saved to local storage
THEN I will be taken to my custom plan page
Custom Plan Page:
WHEN I am taken to the custom plan page
THEN My information from the previous page is displayed
WHEN I see my workout & recipe information
THEN I can scroll through the workouts & recipes (includes photos) provided.
About Us Page:
WHEN I view the About us Page/div>
THEN I am presented with a summary of why the app was made and the creators of the app
## Installation & Usage
- Create Repository on Github
- Create and assign branches to Project Members
- Create tasks in Projects located in Gihub
- Create base code in HTML
- Use Javascript to link/fetch/display information from API's
- Use CSS & Bulma to style website
- Create Powerpoint Slideshow Presentation
- Create README.md file
- Deploy Github link
- Submit Project on Bootcamp
## Deployed Link & Resources
Link to website:
## License
[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
## Tests
Tested using VS Code.