bjornregnell / taggy

A Scala 3 library for tagging text and making nice slides.
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link
scala slides

What is taggy?

How to use taggy?

// run this command in terminal to create slides in target/out.pdf // scala-cli run .

import taggy.*

@main def run = slides.toPdf()

def slides = document("Taggy Slide Example"): frame("Greetings in two languages"): p("Nice greetings:") itemize: p("English: Hello world!") p("Swedish: Hej världen!") p("")

* Instead of doing the copy-paste-save above you can just run this command and you should get see slides in a pdf viewer when ready:

curl -fL | bash

* See more examples [here](

# How to build `taggy`?

`scala-cli --power package taggy.scala -o taggy_3-0.0.5.jar --library`

# How to publish `taggy`? 

* Bump all versions to `x.y.z` in and example.scala by replacing all `x.y.{z - 1}` by `x.y.z`  
* Draft a new release on
* Build and upload jar named `taggy_3-x.y.z.jar`