bjorxi / frodo

Rails-like app generator for Node/Express
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Frodo is a Rails-like app generator for Node and Express. It was created to simplify working with projects based on the Express framework. Nowadays, many developers are familiar with the Ruby on Rails framework, which helps you generate a structure for your app. An app generated with Frodo will help you in the same way.




$ npm install -g frodojs

Done. Now you can easily invoke the Frodo command line tool.


Frodo has a command line interface like Rails, but, for now, Frodo has support for a very limited set of actions. You are able to:

- create a new application
- generate controller/model or scaffold

To create a new application use 'new' followed by application name:

$ frodo new blog

This command will create a new project with a predefined folders structure.

If you want to build an API, and you don't need views or static files, use the --skipViews optional argument.

$ frodo new api --skipViews


Like in Rails, Frodo can create a controller, a model, or a combination of both with a scaffold.

Generating a controller

$ frodo generate controller user [methods]

This command creates an empty controller in the app/controllers folder, which should look like this:

// users_controller.js
var UsersController = (function () {
  return {

module.exports = UsersController;

and corresponding static files users.css and users.js in app/assests/stylesheets and app/assets/javascripts respectively.

You can also write a list of methods separated by whitespaces.

$ frodo generate controller user new show

this produces:

// users_controller.js
var UsersController = (function () {
  return {
    new: function (req, res) {},
    show: function (req, res) {}

and creates corresponding the views.

Generating a model:

$ frodo generate model user name age:number


var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    Mixed = Schema.Types.Mixed;

var UserSchema = mongoose.Schema({
  name: {type: String, required: true},
  age: {type: Number, required: true},
  created_at: {type: Number, required: true, default: new Date().getTime()},
  updated_at: {type: Number, required: true, default: new Date().getTime()}

var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);

module.exports = User;

Each property in a model generator may consist of 3 parts separated by a semicolon - 'name:type:required'

$ frodo generate model user email:string:true

where property name is email, type string, and it is required field. Type and required are not mandatory parts and can be ommited.

Available types:

At the moment, Frodo supports only mongoose for defining models.