bjquast / pyimgapi

Image processing service with IIIF compatible API
Apache License 2.0
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A webservice for image processing with libvips. The webservice fetches images from URLs and performs basic image processing on the image. It also implements a IIIF Image API that relies on a given image server as data provider for the service. A DeepZoom-Service for generating tiles pyramids is also inmregrated in the API



1. Create Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv ./pyimgapi

2. Download pyimgapi

cd pyimgapi
git clone

3. Setup

cd pyimgapi
source ../bin/activate
python develop

4. Configuration

Copy the example file .pyimgapi/config.txt to .pyimgapi/config.ini

Edit ./pyimgapi/config.ini to match your requirements:

# a whitelist will exclude all domains not contained in it. When no whitelist is given, 
# all domains except for the blacklisted are allowed
whitelist = localhost,
blacklist = 

# temp dir for image processing, files are deleted imediately after processing
cache_dir = ./image_cache

# directory where tiles for deepzoom are stored, the resulting dirs and files are kept as long as you do not delete them
dir = ./tilescache

sslverify = True

# a header for requests to wikimedia to identify you as not being a robot or harvesting machine
user-agent = pyimgapi (;

known_formats = bmp, png, jpg, jpeg, tiff, tif, pnm, pgm, pbm, jp2, jp2k, pdf
known_colormodes = gray, bitonal, color

# image server for canonical III image api
# this service requires, that an url for the images on the server is given and that the last path component
# marked as {id} here is the identifier for a single image. Keep the {id} in the url_pattern
url_pattern ={id}

5 Configure a webserver

By default production.ini defines a subpath to your domain (url_prefix) and the https protocol (url_scheme):

use = egg:waitress#main
port = 6549
url_scheme = https
url_prefix = /pyimgapi

To use the API in production you can set up a proxy in your webserver that redirects from https://yourdomain/pyimgapi to http://localhost:6549/pyimgapi.

The pyimgapi has no authentication mechanism yet, but the basic authentication by the web server can be used. It is recommended to allow https-connections only in order to keep the password secret. Here is an example for the Apache2 webserver:

# example with snakeoil certificate, adapt to your needs
# The pyimgapi is configured to work on https protocol. Settings in development.ini and production.ini
<virtualhost *:443>
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html

    # basic auth for pyimgapi as it does not has any authentication / authorization mechanism yet
    <Location /pyimgapi>
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName pyimgapi
        Require valid-user
        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/pyimgapi_passwd


#Proxy for pyimgapi:
ProxyPass /pyimgapi http://localhost:6549/pyimgapi connectiontimeout=5 timeout=300
ProxyPassReverse /pyimgapi http://localhost:6549/pyimgapi
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off



Set a user and password on your server with:

sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/pyimgapi_passwd username

The configuration in development.ini allows you to use the API with the url http://localhost:6549 for testing and development without any special configuration of your webserver.

6 Start the Webservice

The API is started with:

pserve production.ini


pserve development.ini

7 Usage or http://localhost:6549/ will show you an example page with typical requests to the image api. The following path components are available:

will do the requested image processing on a image fetched from imageurl=. You can use parameters like: rotate=, resize=, crop=. Hints how to use them are given on the example page in the root path

A request to the API like:

should return a slightly rotated, resized image

will create an image pyramid consisting of small tiles that can be used to zoom into image details with the openseadragon viewer. The api aplies the requested image processing steps before creating the tiles pyramid. It returns a json like this:

{"Format": "jpeg", "Overlap": "1", "TileSize": "254", "Size": {"Height": "312", "Width": "1261"}, "Url": ""}

The json response can be used in the openseadragon viewer. See for an example.{id}/{region}/{size}/{rotation}/{targetfilename}

provides access to a minimalistic iiif image api. The path components in the url must be given according to the iiif standard. The {id} component is the image name or id on the server that is given in config.ini under url_pattern:

url_pattern ={id}

The pyimgapi will fetch the image with the given id from that server and do the image processing defined in the other path components. See for explanation of the path components