bkd-mba-fbi / webapp-schulverwaltung

JavaScript Web-Modul, das mit SLH.Evento Backend (REST-API) die Prozesse der Schulverwaltung online sicherstellt
MIT License
9 stars 0 forks source link
absences-management absenzenverwaltung angular bootstrap course device-reservation education evento javascript-web room-reservation schooladmin swiss-learning-hub tests-grades


Lint & Test Build, Integrate & ZIP SBOM

JavaScript web module to implement processes for school administration using the SLH.Evento backend (REST API).

This project is realized with Angular, Bootstrap and io-ts. It is open source software, licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Download the latest build or checkout the Demo.


Evento Portal

Although it can be used standalone during development, the webapp-schulverwaltung is embedded in the Evento Portal and developed by the same team, therefore the documentation of the Evento Portal is relevant for this project to a large extent too, especially the following documents:

