bkesk / bad-apps-blog

An insecure blog web app intended for practice with application security.
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Bad Apps : Blog

An insecure blog web app intended as a starting point for practice with basic application security. The goal is to add features, and explore possible vulnerabilities, what they look like in code, and how to fix/prevent those vulnerabilities.

Build and Test


This app is a project that I started to practice application security (AppSec), especially designing / writing secure code. The initial version of this blog web application is based on the official Flask tutorial which provides a full walk-through. The finished version of that project can be found at the official Pallets Github repo: https://github.com/pallets/flask/tree/2.0.2/examples/tutorial. The last section of the Flask tutorial challenges the interested learner to implement a few additional features. In this project, I will attempt to implement those features while "pushing left" (security-wise) in the software development life cycle (SDLC) of this app.

A full list of requested features can be found at the end of the Flask tutorial: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/tutorial/next/


This blog web app should not be considered secure, or safe enough to host on the internet. I recommend running local instances in your home lab, or other test environments which can't be accessed from the internet.

I'm learning as I go with this project, and I'm open to constructive comments and suggestions.

Feel free to fork this repository if you would like to practice AppSec this way.


using git and pip

It is recommended that you begin with a fresh virtual environment,

$ python -m venv bad_apps_blog_venv
$ . bad_apps_blog_venv/bin/activate

Bad Apps : Blog can be easily installed by cloning this repo, then using pip.

(bad_apps_blog_venv) $ git clone https://github.com/bkesk/bad-apps-blog/
(bad_apps_blog_venv) $ pip install -e .

You will also need to tell Flask that you want it to run Bad Apps Blog by setting the FLASK_APP environment variable. In bash, this can be done with:

(bad_apps_blog_venv) $ export FLASK_APP=bad_apps_blog

Bad Apps : Blog uses SQLite, and you will need to initialize the database in order for the web app to work properly.

(bad_apps_blog_venv) $ flask db-init

Now you can start a (non-production) instance of the app with Flask like this:

(bad_apps_blog_venv) $ flask run

as a Container

Bad Apps: Blog can be built from the Containerfile using standard container engines like Docker, Podman, etc. We'll use Podman here, since it can run containers in rootless mode, but the same commands work for Docker.

First, you will need to download the Containerfile. From the directory with the Containerfile, run:

$ podman build -t bad_apps .

You can run the container with a nonpersistent database using:

$ podman run --rm -p 5000 bad_apps:test sh -c "flask init-db; flask init-config; flask run --host="

When using this command, Podman (or Docker) will automatically forward a port on the host to port 5000 of the container. You can check which port using: $ podman ps, and you can navigate to the app in your browser at http://localhost:[port from podman ps].

The configuration file, config.py contains secrets, and should not be included in a container image. The --rm command was used to ensure that no image containing a config.py file is saved. In the command above, we ran a script within the container to generate a config.py file, but we may want to use a specific config.py from outside of the container. To securely share a file containing secrets with the container, we can use the container engine's secret manager.

First, make a Podman 'secret' (Docker has a similar feature/syntax):

$ podman secret create [name of secret] /path/on/host/conf.py

To include the secret configuration file use:

podman run --rm -p 5000 --secret blog_conf \
       sh -c "mkdir /var/www/app/instance; ln -s /run/secrets/blog_conf /var/www/app/instance/config.py; flask init-db; flask run --host="

note that this will create a fresh (empty) database instance for the app within the container.

Finally, we will usually want to mount an existing database so that application data is persistent. We can use a volume for this.

podman run --rm -p 5000 --secret blog_conf \
           --volume /path/on/host/to/db/:/var/www/app/db/:Z \
           bad_apps sh -c "mkdir /var/www/app/instance; ln -s /run/secrets/blog_conf /var/www/app/instance/config.py; flask run --host="

The :Z option instructs podman to re-lable the mounted directory for SELinux. Some hosts and/or container engines will not need this option.

Important: We need to tell Bad Apps: Blog where to find the database, since it will not be inside the instance folder. We can add a database string the config.py file. Below is a sample config.py file.

SECRET_KEY=[a long random key]
DATABASE="/var/www/app/db/[name of db file]"


Licensing Informaiton

This project is derivative of code which is redistributed under the original project's BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE.rst for details.