bksaini078 / MT_Bert_FakeNews

Mean Teacher BERT discovers Fake News
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Mean Teacher BERT discovers Fake News

Mean Teacher BERT discovers Fake News


Dissemination of fake news has been ubiquitous with theproliferation of social media platforms in this digital age. If the intentis harmful, fake news could impact negatively on our society. There-fore, it is vital to automatically detect the news potentially contain fakenews before reaching to large audience. Collecting high quality of la-beled corpus for the fake news detection models is a labor-intensive anda challenging step. To overcome this challenge, in this study, we evaluatesemi-supervised training schemas for fake news detection of news articleson publicly available datasets and compare the experimental results withthe state-of-art fake news detection models. The schemas that we eval-uate are Mean-Teacher, TODO ADD YOUR SIGNIFICANT RESULT.Our source code is publicly available1


For our paper, we use the following datasets:

:warning: Please cite the papers of these studies if you use them.

Run the bash code in order to get experiment folds.

You are supposed to see the processed files in Data folder ddata_directory

The Data\Input2 is the dataset on which overall comparision have been done and it is default dataset for model.The reports also generated from dataset2


Python compiler is 3.7.9. Install libraries in requirements.txt:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Parameter Description Default value
--lr learning rate 0.0001
--epochs epochs 1
--batch_size Batch size 1
--maxlen Lenght of article for tokens 512
--model Meanteacher(MT) or Bert or PI MT
--data fakehealth or politifact or gossipcop fakehealth
--pretrained_model 'bert-base-uncased', 'bert-base-cased' bert-base-uncased
--ratio Used in overall cost for mean teacher 0.5
--alpha EMA alpha value for mean teacher 0.99
--noise_ratio unlabel data noise ratio for Mean teacher 0.2
--dropout drop out value 0.2
--data_folder folder location of data
--model_output_folder model saving location
--do_train only for BERT model 'store_true'

Command to generate the fake news:

python3 -m fake_news_generator \
--data_folder Data/ExperimentFolds/3 \
--data fakehealth \
--processed_output_folder Data/ExperimentFolds/3

Command for preprocessing the data:

--data_folder Data/ExperimentFolds/3 \
--data fakehealth \
--processed_output_folder Data/Processed/3

Example command to run only BERT model:

python -m BERT.main \
--model bert \
--data_folder 'Data/ExperimentFolds/3' \
--data politifact \
--model_output_folder trained_models \
--pretrained_model bert-base-cased \
--max_len 512 \
--dropout 0.1 \
--epochs 1 \
--batch_size 1 \
--lr 2e-5 \
--seed 42 \

Command to run Mean teacher with BERT:

python3 -m main \
--model MT \
--data_folder Data/ExperimentFolds/3 \
--data fakehealth \
--model_output_folder trained_models \
--epochs 3 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--batch_size 1 \
--dropout 0.1 \
--max_len 512 \
--alpha 0.99 \
--ratio 0.5 \
--noise_ratio 0.9

Command to run Pi model with BERT:

python3 -m main \
--model PI \
--data_folder Data/ExperimentFolds/3 \
--data fakehealth \
--model_output_folder trained_models \
--epochs 3 \
--dropout 0.1 \
--lr 0.0001 \
--batch_size 1 \
--max_len 512 \


Ipek Baris

Bhupender kumar Saini